December 26, 2007

Home Remedies for Sore Throat - Soothing Relief From Home

Author: Dr John
Medically, a sore throat is termed pharyngitis. The pain associated with a throat that has become sore is due to the pharynx becoming inflamed. Associated and related conditions to a sore throat include tonsillitis and oral thrush. An infection is the significant source in an individual suffering from a sore throat. Of these infections associated with a sore throat, ninety percent are viral, and, in the ten percent instances, it is brought about by a bacterial infection. Other propagating issues toward the development of a sore throat can be traced to chemical substances or pollutants. Due to the discomfort, complications and inconvenience, many individuals seek out home remedies for sore throat.

The most common causes that lead to an individual developing a sore throat or cold centers is upon its origin that focuses on the pharynx of the throat. Bacteria and viruses tend to establish and foster their respective ill-effects in the pharynx. Such contractions of these invading germs by individuals are conceived through inhaling either dust particles or water vapors that contain such affected microorganisms. Other modes of individuals contracting microorganisms can occur through an individual touching their mouth or nose following hand contact of an object touched with another individual who possesses such infectious germs. Once the invader, foreign to the body, contacts the tissues of the body, and establishes its presence, reproduction of the infected microorganisms engages. Therefore, at the notable onset of discomfort, individuals sensing their respective throats becoming sore are in search of home remedies for sore throat.

Characteristics in the two types of sore throats – bacterial and viral – are different in their respective effects. Such determination as to which type of an infection to the throat, can aid the ailing in determining the best home remedies for sore throat. Consider the following varieties of bacterial based sore throats upon a choice for the most suitable home remedies for sore throat. Streptococcus is among the more common bacteria, and presents a wide scope of broad ailments, with greater options to determine upon selecting home remedies for sore throat treatment. Ailments can include enlarged and sensitive lymph glands; reddened, inflamed and swollen throat, elevated temperature, headache, and muscle and joint aches. On the other hand, so to express, sore throats that are viral in origin, have their respective host of alternatives for the afflicted in choosing the best home remedies for sore throat. Of those sore throats that are viral, in manner, adenovirus ranks at the top, and posses a minimum increase in size to the lymph nodes, while the affected individual will not present any redness in the throat, though extreme pain is experienced. Another of the viral type sore throats is orthomyxoviridae that induces a paced and extremely elevated temperature, along with general soreness in the throat, plus head and body aches, requiring another assessment by the infected individual in locating the right home remedies for sore throat. Then, associated with virally spurned sore throats is the common cold, which engages the ailing individual into another alternative choice in the best possible home remedies for sore throat.

Three forms of action can define where home remedies for sore throat courses of treatment are concerned – prevention, remedy and symptom. Home remedies for sore throat of a remedial degree involves curing the infection, along with eliminating any spreading of such germs involved, as well as accelerating the recovery stage. Where symptomatic issues are the prime issue, the home remedies for sore throat is in the reduction of pain and symptoms in themselves. Home remedies for sore throat, in the preventative mode of treatment is in the individual maintaining care methods in the blocking of any infections – bacterial or viral.

Home remedies for sore throat, that are natural, include honey, based upon the antiseptic elements inclusive of its contents; lemon, raw, in the amount of two teaspoons, at several intervals throughout the day, as it will aid in the destruction of microorganisms that are present within a bacteria infected throat; lime juice, also in the amount of two teaspoons, at several intervals throughout the day, as it will aid in the destruction of microorganisms that are present within a bacteria infected throat.
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About the Author
Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on Herbs and Alternative health. Read about Home Remedies for Sore Throat at Home Remedies website. Also read about Best User Recommended Home Remedies.

December 6, 2007

Home Remedies for Constipation Constipation Relief Tips

Author: Dr John Anne
Irregularity amounts to constipation. Constipation is related to the digestive system. It is a condition that affects the individual by a hardening of feces, which experience biological difficulty in egesting. Extreme discomfort and outright pain is inflicted upon the afflicted. If not treated, in its early stages by home remedies for constipation bowel obstruction can develop. Dietary, hormonal, anatomical, side effects of medications, illnesses or disorder are the major causes of constipation.

Amid the process of considerations towards home remedies for constipation is for the ailing individual to initially identify the circumstances of their respective condition. Defining constipation is realized through the following determinations inconsistent movement of the bowels, as in three or less fecal evacuations within a week; complications upon defecation, involving considerable straining or pushing, at a minimum of higher intensity of twenty-five percent, associated with a internal sensing of hardened stools; upon the process of defecation, an insufficient evacuation of the bowels. Hence, as the afflicted has ascertained the intensity of the constipation, a better judgment can be implored in a treatment within home remedies for constipation.

Detecting the cause of an individual's constipation is quite significant, in both alleviating and avoiding a reoccurrence of the condition within the digestive system. Such self-analysis will significantly aid in the choice of home remedies for constipation. The more common contributors to bouts of constipation include inadequate chewing of food; lack of ample ingest of fluids in creating dehydration; excessive mineral intakes of aluminum, calcium and iron; limited or decreased locomotion in physical activity; onset of hypothyroidism, in decreasing the actions of the thyroid glands; hypokalemia; injury to the anus and sphincter; prescriptions, to include codeine, loperamide, morphine, and particular antidepressants of a tricyclic composition; underlying illnesses; inherent and acute porphyria; unintentional poisoning through lead; suppressed defecation, clinically termed as dyschezia; intestinal or rectal constrictions, which impede the passage of feces; Strictures, clinically referred to as stenosis; diverticula, whereas certain food particles become trapped within various pockets of the digestive system; tissues involving the areas of the bowels in the development of tumors; a foreign matter of embodiment, termed as a bezoar; anxiety or unfamiliarity with environment, clinically referred to as psychosomatic constipation; irritable bowel syndrome, that is associated with constipation of a predominant circumstance, to include intense abdominal pain and discomfort; cessation of the smoking of tobacco; surgery to the abdomen; and childbirth. Some form of home remedies for constipation can aid all of the proceeding maladies.

For those individuals who are not presenting complex medical problems, though are suffering from constipation, can greatly benefit from a number of practical and dietary consumables as home remedies for constipation. In such proven argument against over-the-counter and non-prescribed usage of retail laxatives, as these forms of relief from constipation can lead to an issue, whereas the action of the chronically afflicted individual's bowels develop a co-dependency upon increased use of such formulations. Therefore, in normal case scenarios, home remedies for constipation are the options preferred by general consensus. Such forms of natural intervention, in the alleviation of constipation, include the afflicted individual's adequate intake of liquids, mainly good quality water, along with fibers from a dietary source. The fiber options are merely the inclusion of ample vegetables, fruits and whole grain breads, to incorporate a better balance in the daily diet, along with such considerations in supplementing the diet of the ailing with linseeds, all, to encourage the natural approach towards home remedies for constipation.

Other approaches in the relieving of constipation, from an alternative and practical mode, which supports physical or mechanical home remedies for constipation include such supportive treatments as colonic irrigation; enemas of naturally-based composition; adequate exercise; diet budgeting, as to balance intake, as appropriate; and certain herbs.

Focusing on exercise as to one of the natural relievers in pursuit of home remedies for constipation, is, perhaps, more of a preventative measure towards the avoidance in the progressive development of undesirable constipation. Exercising, among home remedies for constipation can be tailored to suit any or most individuals' lifestyles to some level or degree.

In conclusion, barring other medical issues that may possibly contribute or complicate, where constipation is an issue, home remedies for constipation is among the optimal choices.
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About the Author
Dr John Anne is a herbal specialist with years of experience in the field of Alternative Health Care. Read more Home Remedies for Constipation at Home Remedies. Also visit to ask and share your own Home Remedies.

November 29, 2007

Home Remedies for Headache - Cure Headache Tips

Author: Dr John Anne
Medical terminology defines a headache as a condition of the head of an individual that presents pain within the head. Due to the intensity of discomfort and nagging levels of pain that are associated with such malady, sets suffering individuals in a desperate search of alleviation for home remedies for headache. Of any pain in conjunction with all encompassing ailments, headaches rank among the highest reported complaints where discomfort is associated.

Towards afflicted individuals acquisitions, in securing viable home remedies for headache, it is supportive to be aware of what aspects contribute to headaches. As an encouraging forward, the broad scope of headaches are benign and limited to one's confined circumstance amongst occurrence. General contributors to the development of headaches, include, cluster, dehydration, eyestrain, migraine, sinusitis, stress and tension. Onsets of a physically induced headache are headache, hormonal issues, and injury to the head. Extreme circumstances, incorporating headaches, are conditions such as, brain tumors, cerebral aneurysms, elevated high blood pressure, encephalitis and meningitis. Due to the more common and frequent natures of headaches validates those individuals experiencing such temporary ailment to procure home remedies for headache.

As a preface to presenting options in home remedies for headache, an overall and historic measure is for individuals who suffer from generalized headaches to analyze the circumstance that may create or trigger realized headaches. In the majority of cases, the occurrence of headaches can be traced to either particular foods or stress. Hence, as a precautionary safeguard approach inclusive of home remedies for headache, would be to determine the sources that initiate headaches. For example, if a certain food is the culprit, the individual afflicted should eliminate such element from his or her diet. Should stress be the catalyst of headaches, adjustments in environment should be considered and addressed.

In the contemplation, as to the best modes of the afflicted, in determining optimal home remedies for headache, it is supportive for such individuals to have awareness, as to the biological composition of a headache. In itself, the brain is void of sensitivity to the pain that is associated with headaches. The brain is not anatomically structured with such nerve fibers to sense direct levels of pain. Other areas of the head realize pain, and, as a sensed result, hurt.

A complex network of nerves that encompass a number of nerves within the scalp, face, mouth and throat, as well as associated blood vessels and muscles within the head, perceive the pain, which, as a result, is well-realized by the individual suffering from a headache. Therefore, due to the localization and intensity of the level and degree of pain, initiates the affected individual to seek out relief amid home remedies for headache. In deriving at the best course of active treatment amongst home remedies for headache, is to assess the type of headache being presented. Headaches, in their respective natures, are among the following five categories - cervicogenic, inflammatory, myogenic-muscle tension, and, vascular.

Amid ascertaining treatment modes in home remedies for headache is to comprehend each category and its effects. Migraine headaches, which fall into the vascular type, are extremely problematic and disabling, due to the severity of pain on either one or both sides of the head, and are clinically diagnosed as neurological. Another nature of vascular-related headaches is cluster headaches that will evolve into repetitive occurrences of excruciating pain, as a result of high blood pressure. When a headache is related to tight and tense facial, forehead and neck muscles, it is typed as a myogenic or muscular related headache, clinically termed myogenic.
Headaches that are realized in conjunction with anatomical structure by way of cervical rooting, are relevant to a neck disorder of some variation, and, are medically determined as cervicogenic in character. Associated factors incorporate limited range of motion, neck movement, awkward positioning of the head, shoulder and arm pain. Inflammatory or traction related headaches are symptomatic to diverse disorders involving such maladies as sinusitis or stroke.

Inclusive to an afflicted individual researching home remedies for headache is to apply specifics as to the type and nature of the presented headache, in establishing appropriate home remedies for headache. Among the most common varieties of headaches are tension, migraine, brain freeze, hypertension, ictal, thunderclap, vascular, toxic, coital, hemicranias, rebound, red wine, and spinal-related.
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About the Author
Dr John Anne is an ayurvedic doctor having years of experience in the field of Ayurveda and Alternative medicine. Find out more Home Remedies for Headache at Home Remedies for various diseases. Also visit to ask and share your own Home Remedies for all types of diseases.

Home Remedies for Bronchitis - Which Remedies Do Wonders

Author: Peter rodrick
Bronchitis refers to the inflammation of the bronchial tree, an important organ of respiratory track in the human body. Since the organ is related to the respiratory track, any adverse condition affecting the organ will affect the breathing too and therefore, in bronchitis, there will be difficulty in breathing. The condition occurs when the inner-wall that lines the main air passage of the lungs gets infected and then becomes inflamed.

There are many causes for bronchitis; one of the most common is infection. The infection can be due to virus or bacteria. Whatever the cause is, generally the condition may subside within couple of days without any great efforts except giving some proper antibiotic but if it is severe, it may turn to a worse condition in which, the breathing, sometimes gets difficult.

The bronchitis is closely related to another health ailment called bronchiolitis in which, there will be inflammation of bronchi. In both the conditions, the symptoms will remain almost same such as difficulty in breathing, coughing and wheezing sound may be heard by stethoscope or if they are severe, by distance too.

Some of the useful home remedies for bronchitis are mentioned below -

• One of the proven home remedy for bronchitis is taking one glass of milk then adding half teaspoon of turmeric powder and drinking it two to three times a day regularly on daily basis. It is advisable to have it on empty stomach.

• Another great home remedies for bronchitis is usage of the wonder drug ginger. This wonderful herb serves as the anti inflammatory and mucolytic. For this, take about ½ teaspoon each of ginger powder, pepper and cloves. One can either prepare tea by using that mixture or else one can simply lick that mixture powder with honey. This will help in boosting the immunity of a patient.

• Onion has great value as remedy in bronchitis. One should take one teaspoon of raw onion juice in the morning for at least 4 months.

• One of the best home remedies for bronchitis is take 50 gm of fresh spinach leaves and 250 ml of water. Add a bit of ammonium chloride and one teaspoon of honey to it. Take this mixture works wonderfully in curing bronchitis.

• For treating bronchitis, heat little bit castor oil planet leaves on a pan. Cool and then spread them on the chest of the affected person. This is to be done overnight. One should be cautious as castor oil planet is poisonous and therefore, should not be taken internally.
• One can also mix a mustard powder with equal amount of flour and water. Smear the mixture on the chest area of an affected person. One thing is to be noticed that some people might be sensitive to the mustard as it might sting and therefore, test on a small area first.

• Drinking fresh cabbage juice every day is good for bronchitis.

• One can pour a cup of boiling water into a cup with grind or cut horseradish root. Let it be for about five minutes and then drink it. Repeat three times a day for about 7 days.

• One can also put ½ tsp of licorice root tea in a cup of hot water. Let it be cool for ten minutes, strain and drink. Repeat thrice a day. This gives good results in bronchitis.
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About the Author
You can find more information on Home Remedies for Bronchitis visit Herbal Home Remedies and Natural Cures.
Also visit Herbal Home Remedies and Natural Treatments for most effective Home Remedies

October 10, 2007

Home Remedies for Cough – 12 Best Users Recommended Remedies

Author: Dr James Sameul
This Article provides Information on most of the Home Remedies for Cough which are especially recommended by users. First we will discuss about cough.
A cough is the body's reaction to inflammation or irritation in the throat, larynx, bronchial tubes or lungs. There are two types of coughs, congested and dry, with each one having different underlying causes.
A cough indicates some irritation in your child's air passages. This irritation may be in the throat, the lungs, or in the passageways linking them.

A cough often go together with infections of the upper or lower respiratory tract, such as colds, flu, sinus infections, croup, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, measles, or pneumonia. Sometimes the cough will remain once the infection has cleared.

Causes of cough include

• Smoking

• Asthma

• Allergies

• COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)

• GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)

• Due to use of some medicines

User Recommended Home Remedies for Cough:

1) Dilute 3 drops of peppermint oil in one teaspoon of carrier oil, such as olive and massage onto your chest numerous times a day. Add 10-15 drops to a pot of steaming water and breathe in the vapors.
2) Mix with honey and a little warm water. Take a tablespoonful numerous times a day. This is the good and effective Home Remedy for Cough

3) Grate one or two cloves of garlic and mix with a teaspoon of honey. Take as required.

4) Make a syrup by combining 1 teaspoonful of raw onion juice with 1 teaspoonful of honey; let it stay for 3-4 hours, and take in doses. This is the useful Home Remedy for Cough

5) Grind a clove of garlic and place in a small bowl; cover with honey and cover the bowl with plastic wrap; preserve overnight. Take one tablespoonful upon awakening, then right through the day, as required.

6) Take 5 grams of powdered Licorice root with honey thrice in a day. You can also make a decoction by using teaspoon to one cup of water. Take three cups every day. Licorice has gentle and anti-inflammatory properties, and is an expectorant. This is the also the one more good Home Remedy for Cough.

7) Place 2 cups of cherries in a pan and add just sufficient water to cover. Put it in some lemon slices and 2 cups of honey. Simmer
the mixture to make cherries soft. Remove from heat. Remove the lemon slices and the cherry pits from the mixture and refrigerate the left over mixture and take several tablespoons as required for coughing.

8) Add 10-15 drops of this oil in a pan of boiling water and breathe in the fumes, in an infuser, or place a few drops on a handkerchief and inhale. This is also the one more effective Home Remedy for Cough

9) Place 1/2 cup of borage leaves in blender along with 1/2 cup of
water. Mix together until mixture is of a smooth stability. Place in
an enamel pan and put 2 cups of honey. Bring to a boil, stirring
continually. Remove it from the heat and add the 2 lemons juice.
Take 1-2 tablespoons as necessary for coughs.

10) Blanch 1 teaspoon of rosemary leaves with 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon peppermint leaves, and some lemon juice. Drink numerous times a day. This is the good Home Remedy for Cough

11) Almond oil is of great value in the healing of whooping cough. Mix 5 drops of almond oil and 10 drops each of fresh white onion juice and ginger juice. Take this mixture at least three times in a day.

12) Take 1 tsp of fresh radish juice and mix with an equal amount of honey and some rock salt. This home made syrup has to given to the patient thrice in a day. This is the another good Home Remedy for Cough

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About the Author
Dr James Sameul is an Ayurvedic doctor having years of experience in the field of Ayurveda and Alternative medicine. Find out more Home Remedies for Cough at
He has an exclusive website on Home Remedies for various diseases. You can also contribute to the Home remedies by visiting the website.

September 20, 2007

Cough Remedies – 9 Useful Home Remedies for Cough

Author: Dr James Sameul
Read this Article to know the most of the Home Remedies for Cough which are especially recommended by most of the users. First we will discuss about Cough and its causes

Cough is an important reflex action, which the body undertakes to get rid of substances that are irritating the air passages. A cough is usually initiated to clear a buildup of phlegm in the trachea, by forceful expulsion of air at high speed away from the body. You can choose to cough (a voluntary process), or our body may cough on its own (an involuntary process).

Cough can be of 2 types - acute and chronic. An acute cough is one that begins suddenly and is present for less than 3 weeks. They can be infectious (common cold, sinus, pneumonia), or non-infectious (asthma, bronchitis). Chronic coughs are present for more than 3 weeks. .

Some common causes of cough –

The cause of a cough is usually based on where it is originating from. However, the most common triggers of a cough include -

1) Allergies or asthma, chronic bronchitis

2) Common upper respiratory tract infections, resulting from the secretions of the nose and sinuses draining into the throat, such as in cases of sinus infections, chronic postnasal drip, diseases of the external ear, infections of the throat

3) Exposure to environmental pollutants such as cigarette smoke, dust, pollen, pet dander, industrial chemicals.

4) Smoking as well as exposure to second hand smoke.

5) Side-effects of certain medications

6) Chronic fluid build-up in the lungs.

7) Blockage of the airway due to an inhaled object such as food.

8) Gastroesophageal reflux is also a very common cause of cough. This occurs when acid from the stomach travels up the esophagus, resulting in the reflex production of a cough. This is often associated with a sensation of heartburn; and worsens during the day or when one lies flat on the back.

Symptoms of cough –

The symptoms of a chronic cough can be hard to assess, because many causes of chronic cough have overlapping signs and symptoms. Infact, a cough is an annoying symptom that can have many causes.

However, some common cough symptoms include –

1) Shortness of breath, as well as coughing up pink, frothy mucus – maybe the cause is fluid retention in lungs

2) Cough produces clear pale yellow mucus – due to viral infection, such as cold

3) Cough produces yellow or greenish mucus – cause may be chronic bronchitis or pneumonia.

4) If cough is associated with wheezing and shortness of breath – reason could be asthma.

5) Fever, chills and night sweats along with chest pain when you cough – the cause may be tuberculosis

6) If lung cancer or a cancer of the air passages is present, one may cough up blood. Other symptoms that may point towards a cancer include increasing fatigue, loss of appetite, unexplained loss of weight, or decreased ability to swallow solid or liquid foods.

Treatment –

Coughs can be treated with cough medications. Dry coughs are treated with cough suppressants that reduce the urge to cough, while productive coughs (coughs that produce phlegm) are treated with expectorants that loosen mucus from the respiratory tract.

Antihistamines and decongestants are a good choice for treating coughs associated with post nasal drip.
If some underlying disease is causing the cough, treatment should first be based on treating the underlying disease.

A recent study indicates that, because of the presence of theobromine in chocolate, a bar of dark chocolate may be an effective treatment for a persistent cough.

Gargling with salt and warm water is also very helpful by cutting phlegm and reducing inflammation. Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon table salt in 1/2 cup warm water, and gargle every three to four hours.

Some Useful Home Remedies for Cough

Symptoms of cough usually subside on their own with 7-10 days. However, lot of simple home remedies are there which provide relief from the discomfort associated with it.

1) Take three peppercorns, and add a pinch of black cumin seeds and rock salt and consume it.

2) Drink hot milk with honey at bedtime for cough relief.

3) Make a decoction by boiling 50 grams fresh ginger with 5 tablespoon sugar in 2 glasses water for 30 minutes. Drink it hot, twice a day, in one day as this is very effective Home Remedy for Cough.

4) Mix powdered cinnamon, lemon juice and honey. Take two teaspoon twice daily.

5) In one cup of warm milk, add a pinch of turmeric powder (Haldi) and drink twice a day.

6) Mix half a teaspoon of tulsi juice with half a teaspoon of ginger juice. Add 1 teaspoon of honey. Take the above mixture 2-3 times a day. This is also useful Home Remedy for Cough

7) Prepare a mixture by adding 1/2 teaspoon honey with 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice and take it every 12 hours. Honey relieves the itchiness by moistening the throat passage.

8) Mix 8 - 10 tablespoon of coconut milk with 1 tablespoon poppy seed (powdered) and 1 tablespoon of pure honey. Take this every night before going to bed. This remedy is very good Home Remedy for Cough

9) Garlic-onion-chicken soup is an effective remedy for cough. Take it steaming hot, to give relief to irritation in throat.

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About the Author
Dr James Sameul is an Ayurvedic doctor having years of experience in the field of Ayurveda and Alternative medicine. Find out more Home Remedies for Cough at
He has an exclusive website on Home Remedies for various diseases. You can also contribute to the Home remedies by visiting the website

September 19, 2007

Effective Ways to Treat Constipation With Home Remedies for Constipation

Author: Dr John Anne
Constipation is a common health complication that originates in the digestive tract. The symptoms of this complication may include irregular bowel movement, insufficient emptiness of bowel etc. The most common among all symptoms of constipation is infrequent, irregular or difficult removal of the hard faecal matter.

Additional symptoms of constipation may include a layered tongue, stinking breath, appetite loss, dizziness, dark circles under eyes, headache, mouth ulcer, sense of fullness, pimples, lumber region, heart burn, insomnia, acidity, depression and many other related complications. One may suffer from chronic constipation, if he or she suffers from high blood pressure, appendicitis, cataract, arthritis, rheumatism, and cancer.

There are various remedies available for treating constipation problem; however, one may count on home remedies for constipation treatment as well. This article focuses on various types of home remedies for constipation and their unique features.

Treat constipation with Bael fruit

If you are suffering from constipation, it is advisable that you eat Bael fruits. It is an excellent laxative. An adult can take approximately 60gms of this fruit to avoid constipation problem. Some people eat banana for treating their constipation; however, modern scientific studies strongly discourage this idea. It is recommended that you should not eat jackfruit if you are suffering from constipation. Except these two, most of the other fruits including Bael fruit can be effective during constipation.

Hence, these fruits can play a key role in home remedies for constipation. It functions by cleaning and toning up the intestines. Regular and prolonged use of 2-3 months of time can ensure a significant degree of removal of accumulated faecal matter from intestines. While applying as home remedies for constipation, you should use it in its original form before your meal.

Treat constipation with Pears

Pears are considered as one of the best home remedies for constipation problem. Only one single pear taken at the time of dinner or breakfast can do all the wonder in normal case. However, for the chronic constipation problem, one may need to eat one pear regularly or may drink pear juice everyday to get rid off the problem.

Treat constipation with Guava

Guava fruit is loved by many individuals, irrespective of their age or location. It also offers effective home remedies for constipation. When it is eaten with seeds, it offers roughage effect to the diet, helping the clearing of the bowel wastages. A regular use of one or two guava can be beneficial in treating constipation.

Treat constipation with Grapes

You could rarely find people who do not like eating grapes. Grapes, rich with different nutritional qualities, offer you good solution for constipation problem. It contains organic acid, sugar and cellulose that make it a unique product for fighting against constipation naturally. It is beneficial for chronic constipation problem as well. If you are suffering from chronic constipation problem, you should eat 350-400gms of grapes to have the desired effect.

Treat constipation with Orange

If you can eat one or two orange before you sleep at night, it can offer you an excellent solution for clearing your bowel in time. It has the ability to stimulate the bowels and it also helps preventing the buildup of colon wastages.

Treat constipation with Papaya and Figs

If you eat half of a papaya daily in your breakfast, it can function effectively as a natural laxative. You may also add figs in your daily routine to get rid off the problem of constipation. You can use either of dry or fresh figs; both of them are beneficial as an effective laxative.

Treat constipation with Spinach

Since ages, spinach is well respected among the mass for its ability for cleansing, reconstructing and regenerating of the intestinal tract. If you can have 100ml raw spinach juice on regular basis, you will be free even from most aggravated form of constipation within few days. It is really effective for any sort of constipation problem.
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About the Author
Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on herbs and alternative health.
Find out more Home Remedies for Constipation at Check out the complete Home Remedies for various diseases. Also Participate in Home Remedies Q & A, the first user interactive Home Remedies Board.

Home Remedies for Cough - Quit Coughing Tips

Author: Dr John Anne
The spasmodic and frequently repetitive contraction, which is spasmodic, originating from the thoracic cavity, clinically referred to as a tussis, is too well familiarly realized as a cough. The distinctive sound, as well as the sensation, of the cough, is violent, as air is released from the lungs. As the body takes action in eradicating such substances of irritation to the air passages, the action of coughing occurs. As phlegm has built up within the trachea, initiation of the cough engages.

Another instance where coughing presents itself is upon food passing into the trachea, as opposed to the esophagus, based upon the epiglottis failing to react accordingly.

Coughing, of a chronic nature, is generally in correlation to a disease of sorts. With the exception of smoking, the presence of coughs that are chronic in an estimated ninety three percent of those afflicted is the results of conditions, which include asthma, bronchitis, heartburn and post-nasal drip. Two forms of instigation - involuntary and voluntary, bring about the action of coughing. Therefore, it is understandable that individuals suffering from a cough or coughing are in need of home remedies for cough.

The cough, for the majority of individuals, is a primitive and protective reflex. Such a coughing reflex is engaged through the stimulating of a couple of diverse categories of afferent in nature nerves, which are clinically referred to myelinated and nonmyelinated. Myelinated nerves act as advancing receptors that adapt, while nonmyelinated nerves possess C-fibers, which extend into the lungs. In individuals desiring to control either of these reflexes, the search for good home remedies for cough continues.

Adverse impairment upon quality of life, debilitation, and social distress could be common terms in which to describe the ill effects brought about by individuals who suffer from persistent coughing. Hence, for these reasons, individuals choose to resource home remedies for cough.

In the form of a recipe, among home remedies for cough, is one suggested natural formulation. First, acquire the following ingredients -- a one to two inch fresh ginger root, in the consistency of either sliced or grated; half of a fresh lemon, sliced, utilizing both the fruit as well as the peeling; a mashed clove of garlic; two cups of water, a generous spoonful of honey. Next, in a saucepan, combine the water, ginger, lemon and garlic, and then bring the mixture to a boil. After the mixture reaches a boil, reduce the heat, and then simmer easily for a period of twenty minutes. Then, through the process of straining, pour the cooked mixture into mugs, adding lots of additional honey. If you allow the tea to sit a bit, a will get stronger. It, among home remedies for cough is extremely invigorating and effective.

A two-ingredient home remedies for cough incorporates one tablespoon full of the purest of honey and a generous pinch of white pepper. Top the spoonful of honey with the pepper, and administer orally. Should the cough-afflicted desire to bring up more mucus, and then use black pepper in place of the white pepper. In conjunction with the honey and pepper regimen, drink hot tea with a piece of ginger placed into the cup or mug.
Another recipe among home remedies for cough recommends orally taking a teaspoon full of honey, topped with a few drop of either brandy or vodka prior to bedtime.

To both relieve the cough and soothe the associated irritated throat, combine sage leaf with elder blossom tea, adding a bit of almond oil, oil of clove, and a spoonful of honey as a suggested home remedies for cough.
Another tea concoction amid home remedies for cough is to drink frequent mugs or cups of piping hot tea, stirring in lemon juice and raspberry jam.
Warm one teaspoon full of honey, while stirring in a teaspoon of lemon juice amid those home remedies for cough, and self-administer orally.

Another recipe among home remedies for cough incorporates the ingredients of a quarter teaspoon of red cayenne pepper, a quarter teaspoon of ground ginger, one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, a tablespoon of honey, and two tablespoons of water. Mix into a blended concoction, and ingest, orally, by the tablespoon, as an aid for the congested cough.
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About the Author
Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on Herbs and Alternative health. Read about Home Remedies for Cough at Home Remedies. Also visit to Ask and Share your Home Remedies

August 23, 2007

Cough Remedies – 9 Useful Home Remedies for Cough

Author: Dr James Sameul
Read this Article to know the most of the Home Remedies for Cough which are especially recommended by most of the users. First we will discuss about Cough and its causes

Cough is an important reflex action, which the body undertakes to get rid of substances that are irritating the air passages. A cough is usually initiated to clear a buildup of phlegm in the trachea, by forceful expulsion of air at high speed away from the body. You can choose to cough (a voluntary process), or our body may cough on its own (an involuntary process).

Cough can be of 2 types - acute and chronic. An acute cough is one that begins suddenly and is present for less than 3 weeks. They can be infectious (common cold, sinus, pneumonia), or non-infectious (asthma, bronchitis). Chronic coughs are present for more than 3 weeks. .

Some common causes of cough –

The cause of a cough is usually based on where it is originating from. However, the most common triggers of a cough include -

1) Allergies or asthma, chronic bronchitis

2) Common upper respiratory tract infections, resulting from the secretions of the nose and sinuses draining into the throat, such as in cases of sinus infections, chronic postnasal drip, diseases of the external ear, infections of the throat

3) Exposure to environmental pollutants such as cigarette smoke, dust, pollen, pet dander, industrial chemicals.

4) Smoking as well as exposure to second hand smoke.

5) Side-effects of certain medications

6) Chronic fluid build-up in the lungs.

7) Blockage of the airway due to an inhaled object such as food.

8) Gastroesophageal reflux is also a very common cause of cough. This occurs when acid from the stomach travels up the esophagus, resulting in the reflex production of a cough. This is often associated with a sensation of heartburn; and worsens during the day or when one lies flat on the back.

Symptoms of cough –

The symptoms of a chronic cough can be hard to assess, because many causes of chronic cough have overlapping signs and symptoms. Infact, a cough is an annoying symptom that can have many causes.

However, some common cough symptoms include –

1) Shortness of breath, as well as coughing up pink, frothy mucus – maybe the cause is fluid retention in lungs

2) Cough produces clear pale yellow mucus – due to viral infection, such as cold

3) Cough produces yellow or greenish mucus – cause may be chronic bronchitis or pneumonia.

4) If cough is associated with wheezing and shortness of breath – reason could be asthma.

5) Fever, chills and night sweats along with chest pain when you cough – the cause may be tuberculosis

6) If lung cancer or a cancer of the air passages is present, one may cough up blood. Other symptoms that may point towards a cancer include increasing fatigue, loss of appetite, unexplained loss of weight, or decreased ability to swallow solid or liquid foods.

Treatment –

Coughs can be treated with cough medications. Dry coughs are treated with cough suppressants that reduce the urge to cough, while productive coughs (coughs that produce phlegm) are treated with expectorants that loosen mucus from the respiratory tract.

Antihistamines and decongestants are a good choice for treating coughs associated with post nasal drip.
If some underlying disease is causing the cough, treatment should first be based on treating the underlying disease.

A recent study indicates that, because of the presence of theobromine in chocolate, a bar of dark chocolate may be an effective treatment for a persistent cough.

Gargling with salt and warm water is also very helpful by cutting phlegm and reducing inflammation. Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon table salt in 1/2 cup warm water, and gargle every three to four hours.

Some Useful Home Remedies for Cough

Symptoms of cough usually subside on their own with 7-10 days. However, lot of simple home remedies are there which provide relief from the discomfort associated with it.

1) Take three peppercorns, and add a pinch of black cumin seeds and rock salt and consume it.

2) Drink hot milk with honey at bedtime for cough relief.

3) Make a decoction by boiling 50 grams fresh ginger with 5 tablespoon sugar in 2 glasses water for 30 minutes. Drink it hot, twice a day, in one day as this is very effective Home Remedy for Cough.

4) Mix powdered cinnamon, lemon juice and honey. Take two teaspoon twice daily.

5) In one cup of warm milk, add a pinch of turmeric powder (Haldi) and drink twice a day.

6) Mix half a teaspoon of tulsi juice with half a teaspoon of ginger juice. Add 1 teaspoon of honey. Take the above mixture 2-3 times a day. This is also useful Home Remedy for Cough

7) Prepare a mixture by adding 1/2 teaspoon honey with 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice and take it every 12 hours. Honey relieves the itchiness by moistening the throat passage.

8) Mix 8 - 10 tablespoon of coconut milk with 1 tablespoon poppy seed (powdered) and 1 tablespoon of pure honey. Take this every night before going to bed. This remedy is very good Home Remedy for Cough

9) Garlic-onion-chicken soup is an effective remedy for cough. Take it steaming hot, to give relief to irritation in throat.

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About the Author
Dr James Sameul is an Ayurvedic doctor having years of experience in the field of Ayurveda and Alternative medicine. Find out more Home Remedies for Cough at
He has an exclusive website on Home Remedies for various diseases. You can also contribute to the Home remedies by visiting the website

August 5, 2007

Home Remedies for Toothache – Top 9 Users Recommended Home Remedies

Author: Dr James Sameul
Read this article to know the top user recommended Home Remedies for Toothache. First of all we will discuss what is Toothache and what are the possible causes of Toothache?

Toothache generally means pain around the teeth or jaws. The severity of a toothache can vary from chronic and gentle to sharp and unbearable. The pain may be aggravated by chewing or by cold or heat.
The toothache gets worse over time if left untreated as the inner pulp can become infected. The second most common cause of toothache is gum disease. Toothache or tooth pain is caused when the nerve root of the tooth is irritated.

In the majority of cases, toothaches are caused by tooth or jaw problems like dental cavities, cracked tooth, an exposed tooth root, gum disease, disease of the jaw joint (temporo- mandibular joint), or spasm of the muscles used for chewing

The most common cause of a toothache is a dental cavity also known as tooth decay or tooth caries. Dental decay is when bacteria in your mouth break down the tooth enamel. Holes (cavities) in the tooth build up, exposing the nerves underneath.

If left untreated, the pulp inside your tooth will die and become infected. This will lead to an abscess forming, causing a harsh and continuous throbbing pain. Eating or drinking something that is very hot or cold may also give you toothache because it touches the nerves in the pulp.

Home Remedies for Toothaches:

1) Asafetida is ground into a paste in lemon juice. This is then slightly warmed. A cotton pad is dabbed in the solution and applied on the tooth cavity. This is a very quick method to relieve the ache and is also good Home Remedy for Toothache.

2) A very simple Home Remedy for toothache is to mix some pepper powder with common salt and rub this mixture onto the teeth. Doing this daily will also prevent any toothache troubles as well as dental cavities.

3) Mix a pinch of pepper in clove oil. Put this oil straightly into the cavity to stop toothache.

4) Garlic is one of the most effective Home Remedies for Toothache is garlic. A clove of garlic with a little rock salt should be placed on the affected tooth. It will relieve the pain and, sometimes, may even cure it. A clove should also be chewed daily in the morning.

5) Drops of vanilla extract on the affected tooth are an effective remedy.

6) A paste of the bark of bay berry should be made with vinegar. This paste, applied on the affected tooth, will reduce the toothache. It can also be applied beneficially on the gums for strengthening them. This is one of the effective Home Remedy for Toothache.

7) Toothache pain is often relieved by placing a small piece of onion on the bad tooth or gum, since onion has antibacterial properties that kill the germs in the mouth.

8) One of the best known Home Remedies for Toothache relief is the good old clove. Clove reduces the pain as it has antiseptic properties and clove oil, applied on the painful tooth, can ease toothache pain fairly quickly. If you don't have clove oil grind a clove and apply the powder on the affected area. The tooth cannot be cured, but the clove will give you relief from pain.

9) Melt 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and use this mixture as a mouth wash.

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About the Author
Dr James Sameul is an Ayurvedic doctor having years of experience in the field of Ayurveda and Alternative medicine. Find out more Home Remedies for Toothache at
He has an exclusive website on Home Remedies for various diseases. You can also contribute to the Home remedies by visiting the website

August 3, 2007

Home Remedies for Constipation - Top 12 Users Recommended Home Remedies

Author: Dr James Sameul
Constipation is the term used to explain difficulty going to the toilet or opening the bowels. It means the passing of hard, dry stools. Constipation can occur from a high fiber diet if not enough water is consumed. Constipation is when you have problem having bowel movements.

Constipation is a common digestive abuse. It mostly occurs when the waste (stool) that forms after food is digested moves too slowly (slow transfer) as it passes through the digestive tract. Change of diet or dehydration and a change of daily routine may lead to constipation.

What Causes Constipation?

The hard and dry stools of constipation mostly occur when the colon soaks up too much water. This happens because the colon's muscle contractions are slow or sluggish, causing the stool to move through the colon very slowly.

Common Causes of Constipation

• Insufficient fiber in diet.

• Not enough liquids.

• Lack of physical exercise.

• Medications.

• Irritable bowel syndrome.

• Variations in life routines such as pregnancy, older age, and travel.

• Abuse of laxatives.

• Problems with the colon and rectum.

• Problems with intestinal function

User Recommended Home Remedies for Constipation:

1) A good natural remedy for constipation is to add a little extra sugar or some honey a glass of milk. Drink two times in a day

2) Dip 10-14 dry grapes without seeds in milk and then boil the milk. Drink the milk alone and after that chew those grapes. This is more helpful when taken at night. This is one of the effective Home Remedy for Constipation.

3) Dip two teaspoonfuls of Spiegel seeds in water for 5-6 hours, add equal amount of sugar and take this with water at night.

4) A teaspoon of linseed taken with water before each mealtime supply bulk and lubrication, and acts as a good Home Remedy for constipation.

5) Mix in a glass of water 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon honey and drink.

6) 2-3 teaspoons of almond oil taken with milk during night for 3-4 days reduce constipation and this is also good Home Remedy for Constipation.

7) Add one tablespoon flax seed in two cups water and boil this for roughly 10 minutes till it becomes a slight jelly-like. In this jelly put a tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar. Take a cup of this as soon as you get up in the morning. In a few days bowel movement should come back to normal.

8) Prune juice has been preferred for many years. It arouses contractions in the intestines and increases the amount of fluid released. It makes your stools softer and moves them through the body more speedily. Prune juice is very effective Home Remedy for Constipation.

9) Take 2 tablespoons of Blackstrap molasses before going to bed. Molasses is too high in calories to use it as a daily preventative, but on an irregular basis, it can help to get you moving. It has a strong taste, though, so you may want to add it to milk, fruit juice, or for an extra-powerful laxative punch.

10) Take the powder of one dry ginger (Zingiber officinale) and the powder of some senna leaves in equal proportions. Mix these powders in a cup of lukewarm water. Drink this water while it is still a slight hot each night. This will guarantee suitable passing of stools in the morning. This remedy is also considered as good Home Remedy for Constipation.

11) Take a glassful of milk each night with some dates. Take them in this way. Chew dates first and then drink milk sip by sip. This avoids constipation if you fear its happening and will also help in its cure.

12) Make a mixture of carrot juice and spinach juice. Take both these juices in such quantities of half a glass, so that you make up one whole glass. Drink this glassful of juices at nighttime before going to bed. This is a sure good Home Remedy for Constipation.
Article Source:
About the Author
Dr James Sameul is an Ayurvedic doctor having years of experience in the field of Ayurveda and Alternative medicine. Find out more Home Remedies for Constipation at
He has an exclusive website on Home Remedies for various diseases. You can also contribute to the Home remedies by visiting the website

July 27, 2007

Quick and Easy Home Remedy for Ear Infection

What Causes An Ear Infection?

An ear infection is a common side effect of a cold, a sinus infection, and other problems. The small tube that connects the inner ear with the nose becoming blocked usually causes earaches. Moisture builds up in the ear, and pressure increases. Thus, we get an ear infection. There are a variety of options if you are looking for a home remedy for ear infection. Here are just a few of them.

Ways You Can Ward Off An Ear Infection

Many people consume zinc supplements to help act as a home remedy for ear infection, as well as other illnesses. A few drops of three percent hydrogen peroxide solution in each ear, sitting for about ten minutes, will help cure earaches caused by an ear infection.

Onions and garlic are known to have anti-bacterial properties. Warm onion juice can be used as an eardrop. You can also warm up two garlic cloves in a couple of teaspoons of mustard oil until the oil turns black. Once it is cool, this oil can then be used as a simple home remedy for ear infection.

Use Some Oil

If the ear is simply irritated, you may be able to soothe it by applying a few drops of olive oil. Likewise, mustard oil, applied daily, can help to reduce your chances of getting an ear infection or at least speed the healing up if you already have one.

You can put together two drops of lavender oil, two of chamomile oil, and three drops of tea tree oil in an almond oil solution. Use this mixture, slightly warmed up, as an eardrop three times a day. Chamomile is also known to sooth inflammation, and tea tree oil has well documented anti-microbial properties.

Heat Things Up

Holding a warm, wet cloth to the ear will improve circulation in the ear, and help remove wax that is creating a blockage.

Applying heat to an earache can usually reduce the pain. Heating pads and electric blankets can be a useful home remedy for ear infection. Remember never to put anything into your ear to try to remove a blockage. You could injure your ear, or push blockages in further.

Other []home remedy for ear infection suggestions include eardrops made from mashed, peeled turmeric root in water, or a one to one ratio of rubbing alcohol and white vinegar. Turmeric has traditional uses as a natural antibiotic, so it's a good choice for an ear wash.

In the other home remedy, the alcohol's drying action will reduce the moisture in the ear canal, and vinegar's cleaning action can kill fungi or bacteria infecting the ear.

You are invited to discover the secrets to more simple yet effective home remedies for any condition at the Herbal Home Remedy [] website.

By Amy B 
Article Source: Quick and Easy Home Remedy for Ear Infection

July 21, 2007

Which Are The Best Home Remedies For Poison Ivy

There now appears to be more poison ivy around than ever before, which by scientist has been put down to global warming, this means that a lot of us are going to be spending the summer itching like crazy.

So what, rather than messing about with trips to the local pharmacy, can you do. There are several home remedies for poison ivy that will be lying around somewhere in your household here are a few.

Baking Soda - This treatment has also become a classic homemade cure. Simply mix 3 teaspoons of baking soda with 1 teaspoon of water until a thick paste forms. Apply to the rash and let dry. You could also take a baking soda bath.

Banana Peel - Touted by many as a homemade miracle cure, rubbing the inside of a banana peel on the rash seems to bring instant relief.

Oatmeal - Just boil up the oatmeal in water as you normal. Let it cool and then apply to the effected area. It will harden as it dries. Most sufferers swear by this treatment.

Vinegar - Just sprinkle liberally on rash or blisters for instant relief from itch. White distilled vinegar seems to work best.

Washing up liquid - Washing liquid's anti-grease agents make it a common-sense remedy for poison ivy when applied liberally from the bottle at full strength. Simply wash off with cool water.

These work for some but not all, myself included so my top method is the one that worked for me.

Household Bleach - This totally got rid of the poison ivy within two days.Just dab a little on the effected area. It didn't sting, irritate or burn like some of the other remedies I'd tried. This is definitely the tops when it comes to home remedies for poison ivy.

Chemicals used in many of todays medicines are extremely dangerous. If you'd like to find out how to avoid them and use your own home remedies then visit []

By Adam Bradley 
Article Source: Which Are The Best Home Remedies For Poison Ivy

February 28, 2007

Ayurvedic and Herbal Home Remedies for Cough Treatment

Author: Dr.Anna Hardy
Cough is not a disease actually; it is a symptom of any kind of obstruction in the respiratory tract. Coughs can originate in the pharynx, bronchial tubes, trachea and the pleura lining of the lungs.

In Ayurveda, coughing is known as Kaasa roga. It is predominantly an effect of the vitiation of the vata dosha. But the pitta and the kapha doshas can also cause coughs. Based on the causative factor, there are five types of coughs – vataja, pittaja, kaphaja, kshataja and kshayaja.

Vataja cough is dry and hacking in nature. There is little phlegm observed. Side symptoms are headache and pain in the chest. In pittaja cough, there is yellow sputum which may sometimes have streaks of blood in it. Other symptoms like fever, excessive thirst and burning sensation in the mouth and the pharynx are also felt. In kaphaja cough, there is a thick mucus discharge, which is slimy and white in color. This cough makes the whole body feel heavy.

Kshataja cough is vata vitiation to the extreme limit. There is dyspnoea and blood in the sputum. Kshayaja cough is a very serious kind of cough in which pus is observed in the sputum.

(1) Useful Herbs in the Treatment of Cough

- Bay Berry (Myrica nagi) The bay berry is very effective in curing throat congestions which causes the coughs. It can even cure coughs that are caused due to chronic bronchitis. Its bark is the effective part which is to be taken in the form of a powder.

- Belleric Myroblan (Terminalia belerica) The fruit of the belleric myroblan has excellent curative powers in the treatment of coughs caused due to catarrh.

- Betel (Piper betle) Betel leaves when crushed, made into paste with water and applied externally on the chest have amazing effects in the treatment of coughs.

- Butea (Butea monosperma) Butea leaves can treat congested and inflamed throats. They are effective in the treatment of coughs and sore throats. The leaves are boiled in water. This solution is used as a mouthwash to get the desired effects. Coughs caused due to septic and sore throats are treated in this manner.

- Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) Cloves can reduce the irritation of the throat. Cloves are more effective if the coughs are produced due to inflammation of the pharynx.

- Euphorbia (Euphorbia hirta) Euphorbia is a very potent medicine in the treatment of all kinds of cough. It enjoys a special position in Indian herbology in treating the coughs caused due to colds, asthma and bronchitis.

- Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum) Fenugreek seeds are effective in the removal of coughs that are associated with sore throats. The seeds are boiled in water for half an hour and this water is used to take gargles.

- Garlic (Allium sativum) Garlic is an excellent remedy for whooping cough. The syrup of two to three pieces of garlic must be taken two to three times a day in the case of whooping cough. If the symptoms still persist, or if it is a severe cough, then the dosage must be increased.

- Henna (Lawsonia inermis) Henna is a definite remedy for sore throat and the related cough problems.

(2) Dietary Treatments for Cough

- Cold foods must be avoided as these can aggravate the throat further. Water that is drunk normally also must be warmed a little before drinking.

- Use old rice in the diet. Wheat can also be used beneficially.

- Do not consumer any fruits or vegetables that can cause excessive cooling of the body. Foods like cucumbers, green bananas, papayas, watermelons and oranges must be strictly avoided.

- Fennel seeds are effective in the treatment of cough. These must be taken along with figs for better results.

(3) Ayurvedic Treatment for Cough

- Ayurvedic doctors prescribe slightly different kinds of medicines depending on which type of cough is observed. a) If the cough is of vataja type, then kanakasava or kantakaryavaleha are prescribed. b) If the cough is of pittaja type, then sitopaladi choorna is preferred in conjunction with chandansava or vasarishta. Vasavaleha and matulungadi avaleha may also be prescribed. b) If the cough is of kaphaja type, then trikatu, triphala, guggulu and shilajit are the drugs of choice.

(4) Home Medications

- The pulp of the fruit of the belleric myroblan is mixed with long pepper, salt and honey. This is to be taken once a day.

- Clove oil mixed with garlic and honey helps to eliminate spasmodic coughs which are produced in tuberculosis, asthma and bronchitis. This mixture must be taken every night before going to bed.

- Prepare an extract of ginger. Sweeten this with honey. Take this in a teaspoonful quantity three to four times a day. There will be confirmed positive results.

- Prepare a mixture of extract of tulsi (holy basil) leaves with ginger and honey. This is better than the above method for the treatment of coughs. This mixture must be taken if the cough is severe, and is caused due to some serious ailment such as tuberculosis, bronchitis, etc.

- Make a decoction of licorice in honey. Consume this decoction so that it makes good contact with the inner lining of the throat. This will relieve cough and the feeling of irritation in the throat.

- A very simple way to stop coughs in the night is to place three to four pieces of long pepper in the mouth. Chew them slightly so that their extract oozes into the mouth. As long as the peppers remain in the mouth, the urge to cough will be suppressed and you will get a restful sleep at night.

- Figs are known to clear the buildup of phlegm in the chest cavity. This brings about an elimination of cough.

- Make a powder of cardamom and dissolved it in water. Take this thrice in a day. This will keep all types of cough at bay.

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