December 31, 2010

7 Home Remedies For Ear Infections To End Infection Now!

Learn to use natural remedies as they can not just ease symptoms, but help the body heal.

7 Home Remedies for Ear Infections to end infection now

Goldenseal is a great herbal remedy for this infection. It is rich in berberine, a natural antibiotic. To use this for ears, just add one teaspoon of dried goldenseal to a cup of boiled water and let steep for ten minutes. Strain and drink three times daily.
Onions.  Get out the ear muffs. Heat a half an onion until it is warm, not too hot and wrap it in some thin cotton, an old tee shirt will do. Place it on the ear and use the muffins to hold in place. The chemicals in the onions will increase circulation to the ear and flush away the bacteria and other toxins.
Epsom Salt. Since blood and bacteria stagnate in area`s of infection, one natural cure for ear conditions is to heat a basin of water and place a cup of epsom salt into it and have yourself a good foot soak. This will not only relax you, but will get your blood and other fluid moving to draw out infection and the epsom salt will draw out toxins through your skin.
Saint-Johns-wort is not just for depression but is one of the great home remedies for ear infections used by those who know. Warm a few drops of this oil, ( not too hot, just warm), and place into the infected ear. Use a cotton ball to keep the oil from running out. You should do this once a day for up to 4 days.
Vitamin C. Take 1000 milligrams of vitamin C for ear infection as this powerful antioxidant aids healing.
Strawberries and Plums. For children who have recurring ear infections one of the best home remedies for ear infections is to have your children start eating more strawberries and plums. These two fruits have a special kind of sugar that in clinical studies have been found to reduce ear infections in children by 35 - 40 percent.
Umeboshi. For adults it is suggested that you take one umeboshi a day. This plum is pickled and has a sour and salty taste but is well known to aid digestion and for ear infections and other illness caused by bacteria is a powerful anti-bacterial.

The author is not a Doctor and has no medical training. Always consult your health care professional before using these or any home remedies or natural cures.

Kazuko is a former professional dancer in Japan who has studied and used natural medicine and home remedies for many years. Click here for more []Home Remedies for Ear Infections If you like this article and would like to know more about the author or home remedies for conditions and diseases then visit us at

By Kazuko Collins 
Article Source:!&id=5640437 7 Home Remedies For Ear Infections To End Infection Now!

December 28, 2010

Symptoms and Home Remedies for Dandruff

Author: jonygates
The appellation dandruff about refers to the action of the derma wherein shiny, ablaze scales abstracted from the attic and aggregate amidst the hair. The action can become alarming if the derma gets infected. There are two capital types of dandruff, namely dry dandruff and adipose dandruff. Those with an adipose derma tend to ache from adipose dandruff while those with dry derma ache from dry dandruff. The blazon of dandruff home antidote that one chooses accept to accordingly be absitively according to the blazon of dandruff.
Oily dandruff can be a little tougher to amusement as it tends to recur absolutely calmly while dry dandruff can be prevented absolutely easily. Nevertheless, with a acceptable dandruff home antidote and a approved hair affliction regimen, you can get access abiding abatement from this condition. While a lot of humans see dandruff as a absolutely corrective botheration that can be awkward at times, dandruff can accept several austere repercussions. Dandruff increases one??™s accident of attic infections, abnormally dry derma conditions, and it can aswell could could could could cause accident of hair which is about acting but which can be permanent.
Dandruff can aswell could could could could cause agog on your forehead and face as it settles on your skin. A dandruff home antidote needs to be acclimated for a abiding aeon to ensure that the action is auspiciously treated. Very often, humans use home remedies for dandruff for just a anniversary or so and as anon as the dandruff has seemed to accept cleared, they stop the treatment. However, alternate analysis afore the action has austere absolutely will could could could could cause the botheration to resurface. A dandruff home antidote is usually fabricated up of accustomed capacity and can be acclimated for at atomic two weeks or so as this will ensure abiding relief.
Dandruff is of two types:
Waxy dandruff ??" it occurs the covering scales which is alloyed with the sebum that stick to the attic in the anatomy of patches.
Dry dandruff ??" in this, baby white flakes of attic avalanche or may get absorbed to the derma of head.
Symptoms of Dandruff:
Factors that accord in causing dandruff are:
mal nutrition
Lack of minerals like zinc and calcium in diet.
Fungal infection abnormally malasezia furfur is the above could could could could cause of dandruff
Infections acquired by yeast
Usage of soaps and shampoos those are acrid in nature.
Infection acquired by advice with others.
Home Remedies for Dandruff
Dandruff Analysis application Fenugreek Seeds
The use of fenugreek seeds is one of the a lot of important remedies in the analysis of dandruff. Two tablespoons of these seeds should be blood-soaked brief in baptize and arena into a accomplished adhesive in the morning. This adhesive should be activated all over the attic and larboard for bisected an hour. The hair should again be done thoroughly with soap-nut (ritha) band-aid or acacia concinna. This dandruff home antidote is abnormally able for those adversity from dry dandruff. You will charge to use this anti dandruff analysis at atomic alert a anniversary for the aboriginal two weeks and again already a anniversary for addition two weeks.
Dandruff Analysis application Lime
The use of a teaspoon of beginning adhesive abstract for the endure rinse, while abrasion the hair, is addition advantageous remedy. This not alone leaves the hair aglow but aswell removes delicacy and prevents dandruff. Adhesive abstract or auto abstract is an accomplished adipose dandruff home antidote and can aswell be acclimated to anticipate this attic condition. You can aswell administer a adhesive fabricated out of auto abstract and fuller??™s apple to your attic already a week. This backpack is one of the best dandruff home remedies as it is an able adjustment of abysmal cleansing your scalp. The auto abstract in this adhesive will advice to breach down the boundless sebum that has calm on your attic while the Fuller apple will advice to absolve your attic of the balance asleep derma cells.
Dandruff analysis application Blooming Gram Powder
A admired decree for abatement of dandruff is the use of blooming gram powder. The hair should be done alert a anniversary with two tablespoons of this crumb alloyed with bisected a cup of curd.
Must read about
Herbal Remedies for Dandruff

Dandruff Analysis application Beet
Beets accept been begin advantageous in dandruff. Both acme and roots should be above in baptize and this baptize should be massaged into the attic with the feel tips every night. White beet is bigger for this purpose. Make abiding that you use old pillowcases and bedding as this home analysis for dandruff may stain your linen.
Dandruff Analysis application Snake Gourd
The abstract of snake alembic has been begin benign in the blockage and analysis of dandruff. The abstract should be rubbed over the attic for this purpose. This accustomed dandruff analysis can be alloyed with beginning beet abstract to access its effectiveness.
Article Source:
About the Author
What is Dandruff
Natural Treatment or more read on

December 1, 2010

Home Cures for Poison Ivy

Poison ivy is a rash you get when you come into contact with the poison ivy plant. The result of the contact is that you get an acidic and oily substance on your skin which reacts with the skin to form a rash. There are doctor's remedies and home remedies for poison ivy. Let's take a look at the various home remedies recommended for this condition.

Some people recommend simple table salt. They recommend wetting the affected area and rubbing the area with table salt which draws off the oil-based liquid from the skin. It is an old, tried and true remedy.

Another remedy involves the use of Fels-Naptha soap, which is sometimes hard to find at the store. The action of the suds gets the oil-based liquid off the skin so you don't have as many poison ivy lesions and the lesions do not spread. You need to just put water on the area and lather with the soap. Rinse it off and see what happens.

While it might burn some people's skin, bleach will get off the oil-based liquid that causes poison ivy. Let it pour over the skin and then wash it off. You need to wash it off carefully so that it doesn't stay on your skin and burn it.

Some people put Calamine lotion on poison ivy once it breaks out. Calamine lotion will dry up the lesions and control itching. You can get calamine lotion at the local drug store or pharmacy. It's pink and it has a drying effect on the lesions.

Because the liquid involved in the poison ivy is acidic, use baking soda and water to neutralize it. Because baking soda is alkaline (basic), it can neutralize the poison ivy oil and prevent the spread of poison ivy. Make a paste out of the baking soda and water, and put it on the poison ivy. Let the paste dry and flake off when it is dried.

There is a plant remedy known as jewelweed that herbalists use. They place it in a pot of boiling water and allow the jewelweed to boil down. The mixture is kept in a sealed container. You wet down the area affected by the rash and rub the remedy on the lesions. It is an old remedy that is also tried and true.

Benadryl ointment can be gotten at the drug store and when put on the poison ivy rash. It acts as an antihistamine to block the itch signal. Itching is less than it would be if you didn't put the ointment on. You can get the Benadryl ointment in a generic form as diphenhydramine ointment. Another interesting remedy you can get at the drug store is Vicks VapoRub. It is usually used for colds and flu but it works well when you apply it to areas affected by the rash. It helps prevent the spread of the itching.

Just remember that the substance that causes the rash is acidic and oily. Regular soaps don't often help resolve the symptoms so you need to buy degreaser soap that you'd get at an automotive store or in the automotive section of the department store.

Katie Hoffman is a certified master gardener and a lifelong garden designer. She writes about garden décor [] and garden lanterns [].

By Katie Hoffman 
Article Source: Home Cures for Poison Ivy