January 23, 2009

There is a Quick Cure For Poison Ivy

One of the best home remedies for poison ivy and to relieve the itching of any kind is hot water. According to some dermatologists, applications of hot water for a brief period of time can provide almost instantaneous relief of itching. And the effects last up to 3 hours.  

It may sound kind of crazy, but it really works. The water should be hot enough to be slightly uncomfortable (about 120 to 130 degrees Fahrenheit), but not so hot as to burn. If it's not warm enough, it could make the itching worse. 

You can either stick the affected part under the running water for a second or 2, or you can use a washcloth. Several applications should do the trick for a few hours. One lady hand poison ivy on her hands, but the problem was gone after washing her dishes in very hot water. The itching disappeared for several hours. 

Obviously an extensive skin involvement should not be treated in this manner, nor should poison ivy that has blistered. Keep in mind that prolonged heat may be dangerous in certain kinds of skin problems, so make the applications short and sweet. If the skin reaction is severe, it's time to call the dermatologists. Poison ivy reactions may call for treatment with powerful steroids or antihistamines. 

How does this remedy work as if it were magic? Interestingly enough, much as the hiccup cure does, that is by overloading a nerve network, in this case the fine nerves in the upper layer of your skin. By short-circuiting the itching reflex, your urge to scratch is reduced or eliminated. 

Of course the most desirable approach in dealing with an itch is to remove the underlying cause. But when the problem is a mosquito or flea bite or mild poison ivy, hot water therapy can be cheap and fast temporary treatment. And it certainly is readily available.

You can also see the natural doctors' official prescription and recommendations by clicking here: [http://thenaturalprescriptions.com/Wordpress/how-to-relieve-poison-ivy-naturally]There Is a Quick Cure for Poison Ivy http://TheNaturalPrescriptions.com/Wordpress/there-is-a-quick-cure-for-poison-ivy

By Ben Branklin 
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?There-is-a-Quick-Cure-For-Poison-Ivy&id=1916074 There is a Quick Cure For Poison Ivy

January 10, 2009

4 Ways to Use Home Remedies for Acne

Author: Robert Godart
Home remedies for acne are definitely beneficial to try. You have everything to gain by trying them. Home remedies for acne are varied. You can choose from a tangerine juice treatment, cabbage mask, orange tonic or a watermelon juice treatment. They are almost all topical, and according to the people who write about ways to cure acne with common kitchen ingredients, they are really effective.
Usually, the doctors suggest their patients, suffering from acne, to consume lot of water and do exercises, which keep the skin charming and glowing. Home remedies for acne are tried and tested solutions for acne and are able to cure your acne permanently.
Home remedies for acne are enhanced by proper vitamin and mineral supplementation and it cannot be numbered as there are lots of them. The first and foremost of all kinds of problems in an individuals body is due to lack of water.
Stress doesn't cause acne, but can definitely make it worse. There does seem to be a genetic tendency involved - many people with acne find that family members have suffered from it as well. Stress can be a big factor in the types of hormones our body produces. And despite some dermatologists refusing to acknowledge a link, research published on CNN in 2002 found there was a correlation between stress and acne. Stress not only contributes to acne but also many other health problems. Be sure to reduce stress as much as possible. Stress is also responsible for the mess on our face along with dust, certain face creams and bromine contact. Acne appears due to an excessive sebum production by the sebaceous glands in our skin. This sebum is getting hard inside the face pores and will create visible comedowns.
Here there are some suggestions for acne treatment using home remedies:
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is an anti-viral as well as an anti-microbial, that can help cleanse you from the inside out. Aloe vera juice applied to acne is an effective treatment. It can also be taken internally. Along with all these home remedies, you may also practice the regimen. You must include vegetables and fruits in your diet.
Garlic is a detoxifier, as well as an antiseptic. Taken orally it cleanses the body of toxins and excess hormones which can cause teenage and adult acne. Garlic is a valuable herb not only for treating acne scars but for number of skin diseases and allergies. It is considered a miracle herb in ayurveda and is used for removing acne scars more effectively than any other herb.
Garlic capsules not only enhance the immune system of the body but also act as a killing agent to acne causing bacteria that occur in sebaceous glands . Garlic capsules are another of the effective acne home remedies. These capsules are generally considered very potent acne home remedies, boosting the immune system, capable of eliminating the bacteria found in acne.
Get the juice of raw papaya including the seed and skin and drink it! No it won't give you a tummy upset but it'll prevent pus formation, removes whiteheads and help reduce swelling due to acne. Natural ways to remove acne and even help with acne scars not only cost less, but as mentioned before they are earth friendly.
Cleansing Mask
A quick cleansing mask can be made by mixing 12 carton of natural yogurt, 1 tablespoon safflower oil and 12 tablespoon lemon oil. Leave it for about 15 minutes. Then wash the face with cold water.
Natural acne treatment is made from all-natural ingredients. This means that the only natural herbs, vitamins, fruits and minerals are used. Home remedies for acne treatment is one of the best ways to safely and effectively remove acne from the skin.
Avoid using home remedies to treat your acne scars when acne disease is still active. Avoid over-washing your face or using harsh astringents, though, as these can dry out and irritate the skin and make it even more acne-prone.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/acne-articles/4-ways-to-use-home-remedies-for-acne-718261.html
About the Author
Robert Godart is always looking for new ways to treat acne to help you succeed in your acne treatment. You don't have to suffer anymore! Find out more great ways to treat your acne effectively. Visit: =>

January 6, 2009

Home Remedies for Acne - How to Get Rid of Acne Real Fast

Author: helen adams
Depression, irritation, and frustration, all these words are always related to acne. Acne does not affect people physically but it affects psychologically as well. As soon as any one gets acne he/she wants to get rid of it. They try many over the counter products to get rid of acne fast; some gets rid of their acne and some ends on more breakouts. We don't claim that these over the counter products don't work what we believe that these products have some minor or major side effects which affect your skin condition.

First of all what an acne sufferer should know that there is not a single remedy available which can cure acne very fast. Every treatment it is over the counter products, prescription medication or it is home acne treatment, and all takes some time to cure acne. There are some acne home remedies which cure acne really fast if it is milder case. These home acne treatments are very safe and you can find easily at home.

There are many acne home remedies which works wonder on skin. The best part of these home remedies is that they are very cheap and are available easily in market in fact many things are always we have in our kitchen. All these acne home remedies are natural and have no side effects at all. There may be some allergies with specific food which you can control easily by avoiding that particular remedy. Some common and quick home remedies for acne are following:

Toothpaste is considered one of the best and quick acne home remedy. Don't use toothpaste which is in gel forms. Apply toothpaste on your acne affected area and leave it for over night. Wash off your face next morning you will notice very visible difference in your acne condition. In fact if you have pimple which is pop up recently, toothpaste will cure it almost completely within a couple of days.

Honey is considered one of the best treatments for much disease and widely used in medicines. In the same way honey is best home acne treatment. Apply honey directly on your acne affected area and leave it for 20 minutes like skin mask, then wash it off with hot water. You will see wonderful results.

Lemon Juice:
Apply fresh lemon juice on acne affected area and leave it over night. Next morning wash it off with warm water. It is another quickest acne home remedy.

Aloe Vera:
Aloe Vera is very good for our skin. If you apply aloe Vera juice twice a day to your acne affected area, your acne would be healed quickly.

Apply paste of cucumber or cucumber juice directly on your face. Leave it for half an hour and then rinse. It does not only cure your acne but it also gives glow to your skin and prevent future breakouts.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/acne-articles/home-remedies-for-acne-how-to-get-rid-of-acne-real-fast-711701.html
About the Author
Helen has been an expert in skin health . Her work has been published on various websites and magazines and provides insightful advice for skin care, home remedies for acne skin regimes etc. For more articles on acne and its causes please visit

January 1, 2009

Home Remedies for Cough, Get Rid of Cough

Author: peterhutch
The cough, for the majority of individuals, is a primitive and protective reflex. Such a coughing reflex is engaged through the stimulating of a couple of diverse categories of afferent in nature nerves, which are clinically referred to myelinated and nonmyelinated. Myelinated nerves act as advancing receptors that adapt, while nonmyelinated nerves possess C-fibers, which extend into the lungs..

Coughing is an action the body takes to get rid of substances that are irritating the air passages. Coughs can be either acute or chronic. Acute coughs begin suddenly and usually last no more than 2 to 3 weeks. Acute coughs are the kind you most often get with a cold or flu. Chronic coughs last longer than 2 to 3 weeks. Coughing may also be used for psychological or social reasons, such as the coughing before giving a speech

Cinnamon is a well recognized herb which is used in cooking, and as addition to tea, apple cider and more. Make a cup of tea and put some cinnamon to it to relief the cough. This is simple and effective Home Remedy for Cough.

You can mix honey with pepper and take this concoction like a cough syrup several times on a single day. Finally, you can try vapor inhalation for a natural and relaxing cough remedy. Simply boil mint and eucalyptus leaves together in a pot, and once you take this out of the heat, you would have to inhale its vapors slowly and deeply.

Place 2 cups of cherries in a pan and add just sufficient water to cover. Put it in some lemon slices and 2 cups of honey. Simmer the mixture to make cherries soft. Remove from heat. Remove the lemon slices and the cherry pits from the mixture and refrigerate the left over mixture and take several tablespoons as required for coughing.

Mix 8 - 10 tablespoon of coconut milk with 1 tablespoon poppy seed (powdered) and 1 tablespoon of pure honey. Take this every night before going to bed. This remedy is very good Home Remedy for Cough

Raisins are also a fantastic cough remedy. Prepare a sauce by grinding 100 grams of raisins with water. Add approximately 100 grams of sugar and heat the mixture. When the mixture reaches a consistency of sauce, it should then be preserved. Twenty grams should be taken before going to bed on a daily basis.

There are many recommended herbal drinks to treat a cough. One remedy is boiling coltsfoot in water with garlic and brown sugar. An infusion made of coltsfoot leaves sweetened with honey is also said to do the trick. Another treatment is syrup made by boiling coltsfoot leaves with equal amounts of plantain leaves and honey. An herbal drink for coughs was based on a mix of dried sage, honey and vinegar.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/wellness-articles/home-remedies-for-cough-get-rid-of-cough-705177.html
About the Author
Read about Natural Cures. Also read about Cough Syrup and Cough Remedy