October 18, 2008

Home Remedies for Cold Sores- 4 Remedies for Your Cold Sores

Author: Tony Smith
Having cold sores is humiliating and embarrassing. Trying to get rid of them and preventing breakouts is frustrating and can be a hassle. So, what I'm going to do is share with you some home remedies for cold sores. That way, you will know how to stop a breakout and how to prevent your cold sore from coming back.
The home remedies for cold sores are:
1. The first home remedy for a cold sore is to use ice. When you feel a tingling sensation or feel that you're about to have a breakout, rub ice over that area. It will help prevent the sore from developing. It won't actually cure your cold sore, but it will help.
2. Another home remedy for cold sores is to rub aloe juice on it. This is an effective way to get rid of cold sores.
3. Using tea bags is another home remedy for a cold sore. Tea bags have tannic acid in it, which is very effective for stopping breakouts. Placing tea bags on your sore will help reduce the pain and help decrease the development of your cold sores.
4. Another home remedy for cold sores is to use petroleum jelly. Using petroleum jelly on your cold sores will prevent them from cracking and spreading. So, place some petroleum jelly on your sore.
Also, be sure to eat healthy. Eating healthy will help you get rid of your sores and prevent you from breaking out.
These are some home remedies for cold sores. If you have sores, you need to do something about it now. If you wait too long, you might be at risk of a severe breakout. You need to learn how to cure your sores, so that you won't ever have a breakout again.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/skin-care-articles/home-remedies-for-cold-sores-4-remedies-for-your-cold-sores-601538.html
About the Author
Tired of having cold sores? Want to cure your cold sore, so that you won't ever have a breakout again? Go to http://www.cure-your-cold-sores.blogspot.com to learn how to cure your cold sores within 3 days.

October 16, 2008

Home Remedies for Back Acne- Remedies for Acne on Your Back

Author: Tony Smith
Back acne is embarrassing and humiliating. It can frustrating and a hassle when trying to get rid of it. So, what I'm going to do is share with you some home remedies for back acne. That way, you will have clean and clear skin that people will notice and more self-confidence.
The home remedies for back acne are:
1. Washing your back is the first remedy for back acne. You should use a scrubber when doing this. It will allow you to get the oil and dirt off your back. Also, it will help unclog your pores. The soap to use is salicylic acid based soap. This will help remove excess oil from your back.
2. Another home remedy for back acne is to use tea tree oil. You can apply tea tree oil to your back after you have washed it. This will help get rid of bacteria on your back that causes it to breakout.
3. Drinking water is another home remedy for back acne. You should drink at least eight cups of water a day. Also, be sure to drink one to two cups of water right after you wake up in the morning. Drinking water will allow you to get rid of toxins that are in your body that cause you to have acne on your back.
4. Another remedy for your back acne is to eat healthy. Avoid eating foods that are loaded with saturated fats and sugars. These types of foods will cause your skin to be oily, which will make your break out. The foods you should eat include fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole wheat foods, nuts, and other health foods.
Also, make sure you don't wear clothes that are too tight while you're trying to get rid of your back acne. By wearing tight clothes, you could irritate your skin and acne.
These are some home remedies for back acne. If you have acne, you should do something about it now. By waiting, you will only make things worse. Your acne could spread over your entire back, your chest, face, and ever your butt.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/acne-articles/home-remedies-for-back-acne-remedies-for-acne-on-your-back-604882.html
About the Author
Don't let your acne embarrass and frustrate you anymore. To learn how to get rid of your acne naturally within 3 days, go to http://www.get-rid-of-acne--fast.blogspot.com