December 31, 2010

7 Home Remedies For Ear Infections To End Infection Now!

Learn to use natural remedies as they can not just ease symptoms, but help the body heal.

7 Home Remedies for Ear Infections to end infection now

Goldenseal is a great herbal remedy for this infection. It is rich in berberine, a natural antibiotic. To use this for ears, just add one teaspoon of dried goldenseal to a cup of boiled water and let steep for ten minutes. Strain and drink three times daily.
Onions.  Get out the ear muffs. Heat a half an onion until it is warm, not too hot and wrap it in some thin cotton, an old tee shirt will do. Place it on the ear and use the muffins to hold in place. The chemicals in the onions will increase circulation to the ear and flush away the bacteria and other toxins.
Epsom Salt. Since blood and bacteria stagnate in area`s of infection, one natural cure for ear conditions is to heat a basin of water and place a cup of epsom salt into it and have yourself a good foot soak. This will not only relax you, but will get your blood and other fluid moving to draw out infection and the epsom salt will draw out toxins through your skin.
Saint-Johns-wort is not just for depression but is one of the great home remedies for ear infections used by those who know. Warm a few drops of this oil, ( not too hot, just warm), and place into the infected ear. Use a cotton ball to keep the oil from running out. You should do this once a day for up to 4 days.
Vitamin C. Take 1000 milligrams of vitamin C for ear infection as this powerful antioxidant aids healing.
Strawberries and Plums. For children who have recurring ear infections one of the best home remedies for ear infections is to have your children start eating more strawberries and plums. These two fruits have a special kind of sugar that in clinical studies have been found to reduce ear infections in children by 35 - 40 percent.
Umeboshi. For adults it is suggested that you take one umeboshi a day. This plum is pickled and has a sour and salty taste but is well known to aid digestion and for ear infections and other illness caused by bacteria is a powerful anti-bacterial.

The author is not a Doctor and has no medical training. Always consult your health care professional before using these or any home remedies or natural cures.

Kazuko is a former professional dancer in Japan who has studied and used natural medicine and home remedies for many years. Click here for more []Home Remedies for Ear Infections If you like this article and would like to know more about the author or home remedies for conditions and diseases then visit us at

By Kazuko Collins 
Article Source:!&id=5640437 7 Home Remedies For Ear Infections To End Infection Now!

December 28, 2010

Symptoms and Home Remedies for Dandruff

Author: jonygates
The appellation dandruff about refers to the action of the derma wherein shiny, ablaze scales abstracted from the attic and aggregate amidst the hair. The action can become alarming if the derma gets infected. There are two capital types of dandruff, namely dry dandruff and adipose dandruff. Those with an adipose derma tend to ache from adipose dandruff while those with dry derma ache from dry dandruff. The blazon of dandruff home antidote that one chooses accept to accordingly be absitively according to the blazon of dandruff.
Oily dandruff can be a little tougher to amusement as it tends to recur absolutely calmly while dry dandruff can be prevented absolutely easily. Nevertheless, with a acceptable dandruff home antidote and a approved hair affliction regimen, you can get access abiding abatement from this condition. While a lot of humans see dandruff as a absolutely corrective botheration that can be awkward at times, dandruff can accept several austere repercussions. Dandruff increases one??™s accident of attic infections, abnormally dry derma conditions, and it can aswell could could could could cause accident of hair which is about acting but which can be permanent.
Dandruff can aswell could could could could cause agog on your forehead and face as it settles on your skin. A dandruff home antidote needs to be acclimated for a abiding aeon to ensure that the action is auspiciously treated. Very often, humans use home remedies for dandruff for just a anniversary or so and as anon as the dandruff has seemed to accept cleared, they stop the treatment. However, alternate analysis afore the action has austere absolutely will could could could could cause the botheration to resurface. A dandruff home antidote is usually fabricated up of accustomed capacity and can be acclimated for at atomic two weeks or so as this will ensure abiding relief.
Dandruff is of two types:
Waxy dandruff ??" it occurs the covering scales which is alloyed with the sebum that stick to the attic in the anatomy of patches.
Dry dandruff ??" in this, baby white flakes of attic avalanche or may get absorbed to the derma of head.
Symptoms of Dandruff:
Factors that accord in causing dandruff are:
mal nutrition
Lack of minerals like zinc and calcium in diet.
Fungal infection abnormally malasezia furfur is the above could could could could cause of dandruff
Infections acquired by yeast
Usage of soaps and shampoos those are acrid in nature.
Infection acquired by advice with others.
Home Remedies for Dandruff
Dandruff Analysis application Fenugreek Seeds
The use of fenugreek seeds is one of the a lot of important remedies in the analysis of dandruff. Two tablespoons of these seeds should be blood-soaked brief in baptize and arena into a accomplished adhesive in the morning. This adhesive should be activated all over the attic and larboard for bisected an hour. The hair should again be done thoroughly with soap-nut (ritha) band-aid or acacia concinna. This dandruff home antidote is abnormally able for those adversity from dry dandruff. You will charge to use this anti dandruff analysis at atomic alert a anniversary for the aboriginal two weeks and again already a anniversary for addition two weeks.
Dandruff Analysis application Lime
The use of a teaspoon of beginning adhesive abstract for the endure rinse, while abrasion the hair, is addition advantageous remedy. This not alone leaves the hair aglow but aswell removes delicacy and prevents dandruff. Adhesive abstract or auto abstract is an accomplished adipose dandruff home antidote and can aswell be acclimated to anticipate this attic condition. You can aswell administer a adhesive fabricated out of auto abstract and fuller??™s apple to your attic already a week. This backpack is one of the best dandruff home remedies as it is an able adjustment of abysmal cleansing your scalp. The auto abstract in this adhesive will advice to breach down the boundless sebum that has calm on your attic while the Fuller apple will advice to absolve your attic of the balance asleep derma cells.
Dandruff analysis application Blooming Gram Powder
A admired decree for abatement of dandruff is the use of blooming gram powder. The hair should be done alert a anniversary with two tablespoons of this crumb alloyed with bisected a cup of curd.
Must read about
Herbal Remedies for Dandruff

Dandruff Analysis application Beet
Beets accept been begin advantageous in dandruff. Both acme and roots should be above in baptize and this baptize should be massaged into the attic with the feel tips every night. White beet is bigger for this purpose. Make abiding that you use old pillowcases and bedding as this home analysis for dandruff may stain your linen.
Dandruff Analysis application Snake Gourd
The abstract of snake alembic has been begin benign in the blockage and analysis of dandruff. The abstract should be rubbed over the attic for this purpose. This accustomed dandruff analysis can be alloyed with beginning beet abstract to access its effectiveness.
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December 1, 2010

Home Cures for Poison Ivy

Poison ivy is a rash you get when you come into contact with the poison ivy plant. The result of the contact is that you get an acidic and oily substance on your skin which reacts with the skin to form a rash. There are doctor's remedies and home remedies for poison ivy. Let's take a look at the various home remedies recommended for this condition.

Some people recommend simple table salt. They recommend wetting the affected area and rubbing the area with table salt which draws off the oil-based liquid from the skin. It is an old, tried and true remedy.

Another remedy involves the use of Fels-Naptha soap, which is sometimes hard to find at the store. The action of the suds gets the oil-based liquid off the skin so you don't have as many poison ivy lesions and the lesions do not spread. You need to just put water on the area and lather with the soap. Rinse it off and see what happens.

While it might burn some people's skin, bleach will get off the oil-based liquid that causes poison ivy. Let it pour over the skin and then wash it off. You need to wash it off carefully so that it doesn't stay on your skin and burn it.

Some people put Calamine lotion on poison ivy once it breaks out. Calamine lotion will dry up the lesions and control itching. You can get calamine lotion at the local drug store or pharmacy. It's pink and it has a drying effect on the lesions.

Because the liquid involved in the poison ivy is acidic, use baking soda and water to neutralize it. Because baking soda is alkaline (basic), it can neutralize the poison ivy oil and prevent the spread of poison ivy. Make a paste out of the baking soda and water, and put it on the poison ivy. Let the paste dry and flake off when it is dried.

There is a plant remedy known as jewelweed that herbalists use. They place it in a pot of boiling water and allow the jewelweed to boil down. The mixture is kept in a sealed container. You wet down the area affected by the rash and rub the remedy on the lesions. It is an old remedy that is also tried and true.

Benadryl ointment can be gotten at the drug store and when put on the poison ivy rash. It acts as an antihistamine to block the itch signal. Itching is less than it would be if you didn't put the ointment on. You can get the Benadryl ointment in a generic form as diphenhydramine ointment. Another interesting remedy you can get at the drug store is Vicks VapoRub. It is usually used for colds and flu but it works well when you apply it to areas affected by the rash. It helps prevent the spread of the itching.

Just remember that the substance that causes the rash is acidic and oily. Regular soaps don't often help resolve the symptoms so you need to buy degreaser soap that you'd get at an automotive store or in the automotive section of the department store.

Katie Hoffman is a certified master gardener and a lifelong garden designer. She writes about garden décor [] and garden lanterns [].

By Katie Hoffman 
Article Source: Home Cures for Poison Ivy

November 28, 2010

Home Remedies for Cough and Cold in Children and Infants

Author: Ryan Mutt
One of the hardest parts being a parent is to look after their sick kids. This is especially if their kids have cough and cold. If this happens, a mother or both parents could potentially have only a couple of hours sleep at night which is a great disadvantage for them especially if they are both going to work everyday. Well, this is part of being a parent hence you can absolutely avoid and practice an effective home remedy for this. After all, you are not only the one who suffers, mainly; it is your child that suffers. So, as a parent, it is also one of your duties to take care and look after them as well as to find ways so they can get rid of their cough and cold.

One of the home remedies for cough and cold that you can consider is water therapy. You need to convince your children to drink more water. Put a cold compress on his or her forehead and wipe him or her with a face towel in the whole body. Check the temperature of your child every hour and every time you let them take medicines. But, if the symptoms persist then you will have to see a doctor.

Another thing is that you will have to make your children drink more juice especially lemon juice. If they have cough and colds for more than a week then you will have to see a doctor and ask for medical prescription. It is because of the fact that your child might to take antibiotics and other medicines that could be helpful to their condition. You can also massage the chest and back of your child using mentholated creams. In some ways, this could help them to make breathing easier as well as this could also help them to fall asleep despite of such condition.

If you are a parent and it is your first time to experience looking after your kid while he is suffering from cough and colds then all you have to do is to be relaxed in a way that your mind could be always present despite of the situations that you know might possibly happen. It is perfectly understandable for you to be worried; the fact is that it is essential for you to be active and present minded. Don't let your worries and fears overpower you because if this happens, you will never do any home remedies for cough and colds rightfully as well as you will never come up with the right things to do.
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Read more Home Remedies for Common Cold. Also know effective Home Remedies for Constipation. Read useful Home Remedies for Cough.

November 7, 2010

Natural Home Remedies For Dry Scalp And Hair Loss

Author: Charles Zoe
As a crowning glory for women, hair is a very important issue to us. We ensure that we take care of our hair, never let it lose its lustrous shine, and do all that we can to maintain it as the most important element adding to our beauty. However, sometimes, no matter what we do, we cannot control the conditions that affect our hair. A simple explanation for dry scalp and hair loss is that, when the hair is dry, it turns brittle. In such a situation, the hair tends to break or fall more often. Also, dry scalp causes itchiness. When we scratch our head, it causes the hair to weaken and fall, resulting in severe hair loss.
1. Dry scalp can be caused by using harsh shampoos or shampooing too often. If you have a dry, flaky scalp or dull and dry hair, try using a different shampoo. Opt for a gentle formula made for dry hair, and don't shampoo every day. Instead, shampoo every other day with warm (not hot) water; frequent washing and hot water can dry out your hair and your scalp. Also avoid gels, mousses, hairsprays, and other products that contain alcohol and can dry out your scalp and hair. Limit the use of heat appliances, like a blow dryer, to give hair a chance to recover.
2. Old-fashioned cures for dry scalp included steeping a sliced onion in rum for hours an using the resulting liquid as a massage which, although it works very efficiently to halt falling hair, is a little antisocial. Other remedies incorporated chilli garlic and castor oil. More practical infusions may be made from mallow root, parsley seed, catmint, rosemary, marjoram and nasturtium. This will helpful in removing dry scalp.
3. Smoking and Alcohol Consumption: The effects of cigarettes and alcohol are known to everyone. In the process of damaging the rest of the body, these also affect the hair and its natural shine. As a result, one faces the problem of dry scalp and hair loss.
4. Vitamin B. Dry scalp may be caused by nutritional deficiencies, such as not getting enough vitamins B6 and B12 in your diet. Boost your intake through fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain breads and cereals and, if necessary, through supplements such as flaxseed oil, zinc, and selenium. This is one of the best hair loss treatment.
5. Oral Contraceptives: Another cause is the regular consumption of oral contraceptives. Apart from the effect, they have on other bodily functions, certain drugs or ingredients in these drugs may destroy the normal hair growth patterns, and cause a severe problem of dry scalp and hair loss in women.
6. This is one of the effective herbal home remedy for dry scalp using Yoghurt : Yoghurt alone, rubbed well into the scalp after shampooing and left for 10 minutes, will condition hair and clear up problems affecting the scalp but with1 egg whisked into it it becomes doubly effective for fine, light and uncontrollable hair. Rinse well after using. This will help in reducing dry scalp.
7. Eating the wrong foods can impact your hair and scalp as well. Too many sugary foods can lead to a dry scalp and cause flaking, so limit desserts and trips to the candy jar. Even spicy foods can trigger dandruff, so try to avoid them and see if you notice any improvement. It's also important to cut down on salt and alcohol if you have a dry scalp and increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids. Hydrate your skin from the inside, too, by drinking plenty of water to keep your skin and scalp naturally moisturized.
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Author is an online medical researcher on hair loss treatment. Click read more on hair loss treatment, teenage hair loss.

October 28, 2010

Natural Remedies and Home Remedies for Yeast Infection

Author: Yeast Infection Cure

What is a Yeast Infection?

A vaginal yeast infection is usually caused by a fungus called Candida albicans which is normally found in small amounts in the vagina.
It's estimated that three out of four women will have a yeast infection in their lifetime. Factors that contribute to vaginal yeast infection include pregnancy, diabetes, and the use oral contraceptives, steroids, and antibiotics. Yeast infection is also more common after menopause due to declining estrogen levels, which thin the vaginal walls.

Natural Remedies and Home Remedies for Yeast Infection

Here are some natural remedies and home remedies that are used for yeast infection.

· Probiotics

Probiotics are a popular natural remedy for yeast infection. They are live microbial organisms that are naturally present in the digestive tract and vagina. Probiotics, sometimes referred to as "friendly" bacteria, suppress the growth of potentially harmful organisms such as Candida, which is why probiotic supplements have been explored as a natural remedy for yeast infection.
The type of probiotic being studied for yeast infections is Lactobacillus, especially Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1, and Lactobacillus fermentum RC-14. In some studies, low levels of Lactobacilli in the vagina have been associated with yeast infection.
Preliminary lab studies have found that Lactobacilli can block the growth of Candida albicans in the vagina. Some clinical trials support these finding, however, the quality of these studies has generally been poor, making it difficult to draw definite conclusions.
Probiotics are available as oral supplements. Probiotic vaginal supposities are also available, although they are more difficult to find. To learn more about probiotics, read my article on acidophilus and probiotics.

· Boric Acid Suppositories

Another natural remedy for yeast infection is boric acid. Boric acid is a chemical substance with mild antiseptic and antifungal properties. A small Italian study examined the effectiveness of a topical treatment with boric acid compared to oral treamtment with the antifungal drug itraconazole (Sporanox) in 22 women with recurrent yeast infection. The topical boric acid was found to be as effective as itraconazole.
A large study looked at a single 150 milligram dose of the oral medication fluconazole (Diflucan) or boric acid vaginal suppositories (600 milligrams a day for 14 days) in 112 diabetic patients with recurrent vaginal yeast infection. At the end of the study, boric acid vaginal suppositories resulted in a higher cure rate (63.6%) compared to fluconazole (28.8%).
In another study, the charts of all patients seen at a vaginitis clinic between 1989 and 1994 were reviewed. The charts of people who had been treated with boric acid suppositories (600 miligrams per day for 14 days) for a particular type of candida yeast infection caused by Candida glabrata were examined. Of the 26 cases, 81 percent had a clinical improvement or cure, and the fungus was eradicated in 77% of people. Boric acid suppositories were more successful than therapy with topical and oral antifungal medications, which had success rates of less than 50%.
Boric acid suppositories are available from some compounding pharmacies. A boric acid suppository product called Yeast Arrest is manufactured by a supplement company based in Oregon called Vitanica. Yeast Arrest contains boric acid and the herbs oregon grape root and calendula.
There are safety concerns, however, with boric acid. Boric acid is toxic and should never be taken internally (by mouth) or placed on cuts or open wounds. It shouldn't be used for a prolonged period of time, or in amounts greater than what's recommended. It should not be used by pregnant women or applied to the skin of infants or children. Side effects of the suppositories may include vaginal burning and irritation.

· Tea Tree Oil

The essential oil tea tree oil, diluted and applied topically to the vaginal area, has shown some potential as a natural home remedy for yeast infection. A compound called terpinen-4-ol in tea tree oil appears to be responsible.
Unfortunately, there haven't been any clinical studies in humans showing that tea tree oil is effective or safe for yeast infection. Until we have more evidence, it should not be recommended. Tea tree oil must be diluted before applying it to the body. Full strength tea tree oil should never be applied to the vaginal area.

Symptoms of Yeast Infection

  • Itching and burning around the vagina
  • White vaginal discharge that may look like cottage cheese
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Burning with urination

Getting a Yeast Infection Diagnosed

Although there are many over-the-counter remedies and natural home remedies, you should see a doctor to get properly diagnosed and evaluated, especially if:
  • This is your first yeast infection.
  • You've had other types of vaginal or urinary tract infection.
  • You've already tried treating yourself and symptoms persist.
  • You have a weakened immune system due to cancer treatments or diseases such as AIDS.
  • You have a fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, abdominal or back pain, bloody discharge, or difficult or increased urination. Go to the hospital immediately, as it may be a serious condition such as kidney infection, appendicitis, or pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • You're with a new sex partner or have had multiple sex partners. It's important to make sure you don't have a sexually transmitted disease, since the symptoms can be similar.
Vaginal yeast infection can be confused with other conditions, such as:
  • Bacterial vaginosis - this common condition occurs when there is an imbalance between beneficial and harmful bacteria in the vagina. Bacterial vaginosis can spread through sexual intercourse, but it can also occur in women who douche or use an intrauterine birth control device (IUD). It is also common in pregnancy. Symptoms include a gray, foul-smelling discharge with a fishy odor. The odor is often more noticeable after sexual intercourse.
  • Noninfectious vaginitis - Douches, perfumed soaps, spermicides, bubble baths and feminine hygiene sprays can irritate the skin around the vagina. Symptoms include itching, burning, and pain. One type, atrophic vaginitis, is caused by lowered estrogen after menopause.
  • Trichomoniasis - Common sexually transmitted disease caused by the parasite trichomonas vaginalis. In men, it usually infects the urinary tract but often produces no symptoms. In women, symptoms can include greenish-yellow discharge that is sometimes frothy. People with trichomoniasis have a higher risk of other sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, and HIV.


It's important to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis is that if it's not actually a yeast infection, the delay in getting treated can cause complications.
In pregnant women, vaginal yeast infection can result in premature delivery and low birth weight.
Untreated vaginal yeast infection can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, a condition which can scar the fallopian tubes and cause infertility.
Trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginosis have also been linked to an increased risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Prevention Tips

  • Don't douche.
  • Use a condom.
  • Wear cotton instead of synthetic underwear.
  • Avoid baths, hot tubs, or whirlpools.
  • Avoid scented products, including tampons and feminine hygiene sprays.
Learn more about Yeast Infection; and how you can treat it naturally in the "Yeast Infection No More Book". Click Here to discover what the doctors may not want you to know about Yeast Infection.
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About the Author
This author writes about Yeast Infection at Candida-Cures

October 24, 2010

Natural Home Remedies for Bronchitis That Works Effectively

Author: Ryan Mutt
Bronchitis occurs due to the inflammation of the inner lining or the mucous membrane of the bronchi inside the lungs. Due to this inflammation large quantity of mucous remains trapped, which is coughed out as phlegm. Bronchitis can affect both adults and children causing breathing problems and tightness of the chest. The disease can be acute or chronic and prolonged suffering may result in grave situations. Bronchitis is most prevalent in changing weather conditions and the chronic patients must take enough precautionary measures to prevent its recurrence.


Common symptoms that point towards bronchitis are

1. Severe coughing with occasional expulsion of sticky and purulent phlegm.
2. Difficulty in breathing and tightness in the chest.
3. Fever
4. Huskiness, chest pain, low appetite.


The main causative factors for bronchitis can be due to

1. Prolonged suffering from cough and cold
2. Changes in the weather conditions
3. Smoking
4. Polluted environment
5. Allergy

Home Remedies for Bronchitis

Various antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid injections in acute cases are generally administered to combat bronchitis. By adopting simple home remedies the disease can be cured completely along with multi health benefits.

1. Drinking half glass of milk adding half teaspoonful of turmeric 2-3 times daily is an effective remedy for bronchitis. To achieve best results it must be taken in empty stomach.

2. Taking a mixture of powdered pepper, ginger and cloves 2-3 times daily is useful for treating bronchitis. It is usually taken with tea or licked with honey. The mixture due to it antipyretic quality also reduces the fever.

3. Consuming one teaspoon of raw onion juice early in the morning is a useful remedy for this disease.

4. Drinking fresh cabbage juice is equally effective in treating bronchitis.

5. The efficacy of the basil leaves cannot be ignored in bronchitis treatment. Chewing few basil leaves or taking the juice with honey is one of the best home remedies.

6. Topical application of a mixture of mustard powder, flour and water on the chest is very effective in reducing bronchitis problems.

7. Tea prepared by adding half teaspoon of licorice root in boiling water and having it after ten minutes is a good remedy for this disease. This should be repeated 2-3 times throughout the day.

8. In case of acute bronchitis, if the patient is on fresh orange juice and water for a couple of days in the initial stage, produces good results.

9. An infusion made of almond powder in orange or lime juice is beneficial to bronchitis patients. Taking this infusion daily at night induces sound sleep without any disturbances arising due to this disease.
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Read more useful Home Remedies for Bronchitis. Also know effective Home Remedies for Asthma. Read about Premature Ejaculation Treatment to control climax and stay longer.

October 16, 2010

A Homemade Conditioner For Dry and Damaged Hair - Home Remedy For Shiny Hair

Author: Jayson Silva
The good news, however, is that there are different conditioning products already available in the market. You can use it to substitute for conditioner to achieve that shiny hair you always wanted.

The unfortunate news there is that these factors can increase falling strands, result into split ends, and speed up the process of hair loss.

Now you have a shiny hair with just this product. Although it may sound too unconventional, the mayonnaise is actually good for your hair. We always neglect proper care for our hair due to lifestyle and pressures from work. Mayonnaise is made of egg yolks. So instead of buying damage repair conditioners, try this to save some money.

Mayonnaise is a great homemade conditioner for your hair. The exposure of our locks to heat, hair styling products and harsh chemicals can cause it to become dry and damaged. Shampoo thoroughly and rinse it off with water. Home remedies for your hair can always be great alternatives when you are a bit tight on cash. Massage your head for ten minutes. But did you know that there are everyday products that can be a home remedy for damaged hair? I have found a great everyday product found in your refrigerator that can be your best friend.

Finish it off with your regular conditioner.

Here is great hair home remedy for dry and damaged hair. Try this great homemade conditioner: the mayonnaise. Do not worry about its smell; the shampoo will take care of that. Let it sit for another thirty minutes to fully penetrate the strands.
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September 20, 2010

Home Remedies For UTI - Natural Ways to Treat a UTI

Author: Rebecca Hopkinson
Home remedies for UTI are very popular and there are many self help measures you can try right away. My collection of tips are from years of experience of having repeated UTI's for many years and at the time, it seemed as if each successive one was getting more severe. For many years I took various courses of antibiotics and I was simply not aware that I could have used home remedies for UTI problems.

At first, antibiotics would seem to get rid of the infection, but after a couple of years, I noticed that each time I had antibiotics, I invariably had to go back for an "add on" or for a stronger dose. At one point I was even put on a permanent low dose antibiotic which was great for a few months but then even that didn't work.

I really was at my wits end. I would have time off work because I couldn't get out of bed. I can remember spending time doubled up on the floor not knowing what to do for the best. I would spend ages in a warm bath because it was the only place I could feel a little relief. I must have spent hundred, if not thousands of dollars on over the counter UTI remedies but found them to be no use whatsoever for me.

After searching the internet out of sheer desperation, I came some very interesting claims about a product which claimed that it would get rid of uti pain very quickly. Although skeptical, I was pretty desperate and would have tried anything at that point.

The remedy did work for me. The pain had subsided quite a lot before I went to bed that first night and within 24 hours, I was completely pain free. Since then, I have followed the advice and although I have had a couple of minor flare ups, I know exactly what to do to prevent it becoming a problem. The relief I feel is immeasurable.

If you need relief, you can try my own self-help home remedies for UTI pain which will help in the short term. If the pain persists though, or is anything other than mild, I can highly recommend the product which I used to clear my infection.

* Sit in a bath of warm water

* Use a heated pad or hot water bottle on the abdomen

* Drink plenty of water to help flush the infection out

* Drink a couple of glasses of unsweetened cranberry juice each day

* Avoid using perfumed products on or near to the vaginal area

* Eat a pot of live yogurt daily

* Take a mild painkiller

* Avoid wearing tight trousers, pantyhose or synthetic panties

* Avoid having sex whilst the infection persists
The remedy which I used comes with an 8 week guarantee-if you are not completely happy, you can get a no-questions asked refund. It will work for everyone-young and old, male and female. It is even suitable for those on other medication. There are no side effects at all with this remedy and yet it is powerful and fast-acting. Most people will find that they begin to get pain relief within just a few short minutes and the pain has gone completely by the next day. It is also safe to be used alongside the home remedies for UTI which are detailed above. Please visit Natural Treatments For Urinary Tract Infection for further details.
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About the Author
As a long term sufferer of urinary tract infections, Rebecca had taken numerous courses of antibiotics-none of which seemed to shift the infection. She finally found a way to naturally manage the condition and is now completely free of UTI's.

September 19, 2010

Pregnancy Constipation - 3 Natural Home Remedies For Constipation During Pregnancy!

Author: Ty Lamai
Pregnancy is supposed to be a time of joy and happiness for women. It is something that most women who haven't yet experienced it, look forward to with awe - some with dread. It is an experience that cannot be aptly described using words; it simply should be experienced to understand it. Unfortunately it also comes with more than its fair share of travails. One of those travails happen to be pregnancy constipation - an uncomfortable, and often time, unbearable condition that plagues many pregnant women in the world today. This article will look at three natural ways to remedy pregnancy constipation beginning today…
1. Increase Your Ingestion Of Fibre…
Food that contain high quantities of fibre are great to eat during your pregnancy. An example of such a snack would be oatmeal cookies. These are very effective in the eradication of constipation. In fact oatmeal cookies have also been known to help alleviate pregnancy anxiety and panic attacks. So, instead of eating all that fast "junk" food, or all those funky "movie snack", go for foods that are rich in nutrients like these. You should also form the habit of taking a lot of fruits too like; apples, bananas and so on. While this may sound simple to some, you must realize that as humans we are more prone to defaulting on the simple stuff.
2. Throw Out The Grease…
You want to ensure that you keep away from greasy foods. These include, but are not limited to, the following; foods that include fat and foods that are fried. The reason why you should avoid them is due to the fact that they take quite a long while to digest which in turn causes those nasty pregnancy constipations.
3. Increase The H2O…
Water is and ought to be your best pal right now. It is arguably the most natural cure for constipation out there. You should endeavor to make it a point of conscious duty to increase your daily intake of water. Water helps with regularity. You must have it at the forefront of your mind that the major cause of pregnancy constipation is dehydration, and water is the most effective way to avoid dehydration. Normally a grown adult ought to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water daily; the uncommon knowledge is that pregnant women are supposed to drink more than that volume. Yes. You should actually be drinking up to 10 - 12 glasses each and every day especially if you desire to get rid of constipation.
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July 18, 2010

3 Yeast Infection Home Remedies - Honey, Garlic, Apple Cider Vinegar

Author: John Cielo
Are you one of the increasing number of yeast infection victims looking for simple home remedies? If so, here you'll find 3 simple yeast infection home remedies that many people have found to be very effective.

Due to normal mainstream drug-based treatment basically just addressing the symptoms of yeast infection, sufferers like yourself are increasingly getting the benefit of natural home remedies for yeast infections.

And 3 of the most popular and effective remedies are honey, garlic and apple cider vinegar. There are many more of course, such as yoghurt which is also very popular, but we'll just stick with these three for now...


Used for thousands of years for many ailments and conditions, this can be very effective as a natural remedy for candida (another name for the infection). It can be applied directly to the affected area.

Make a pulp of peeled garlic and apply gently over the area. Because it's rather messy do this overnight. You can also use it as a tampon: insert one peeled clove into the vagina and leave in overnight. Remove next morning. Continue for one or two days after your symptoms have abated.


The key thing here is that it has to be raw, unpasteurized, un-distilled apple cider vinegar. You'll know it when you see it because it should have the sediment in the bottom -- called the 'mother' -- but ask the assistant for help if you need to. You may not get it in a supermarket, but rather in a health-food store or other speciality outlet.

Add 2 cups of vinegar to a low, warm bath (sitz bath) and soak for about 20 minutes 'lapping' the water against your vagina. Repeat daily until your symptoms have gone plus a couple of more days to make sure. You can also just douche the area with a cotton pad soaked in a mixture of 2 tablespoons of vinegar in 2 quarts of warm water.


I have to confess that this is the remedy that I find the hardest to understand, because it is supposed to be applied to the area and left for a time (10 - 20 minutes) before washing off.

My problem is that it contains sugar which will only feed the yeast fungus! But it also contains 'good' bacteria that can help to kill-off the yeast fungus. The key is to not use it inside the vagina, but externally around the vagina. Whatever I may think, it does have many adherents who swear by it.

Now these natural home remedies will work great if you stick with them. But they aren't the whole story. There are other critical issues that you need to be aware of and take action on, if you want to not only get rid of your present symptoms, but to also prevent recurring yeast infections from damaging your health.
For more information on yeast infection home remedies please go here and discover how thousands of women and men were able to cure their yeast infection fast and permanently -- some in as little as 12 hours!
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About the Author
The author constantly researches health issues then writes reports on his findings so that you are perhaps more aware of the facts, and then, better able to make an informed decision on your choice of treatment and cure. Remember to always consult your doctor first.

June 30, 2010

Home Remedies For Hair Growth - Stop Hair Fall Naturally

It is perfectly normal for both men and women to lose hair, but when you lose more than 150 hairs a day, you can start worrying. Hair loss has many causes and genetics seems to be the most common one. Many people only notice that they have a problem when it's highly visible. Fortunately, if you find yourself in this case, there is no need to panic because there are many home remedies for hair growth. A beautiful hair starts with a healthy scalp; this is why the most effective home remedies for hair growth involve massaging your scalp with essential oils. Besides nourishing your scalp with the substances contained by the oils, by massaging, you also improve circulation and accelerate hair growth.

Coconut oil and almond oil are effective in stopping hair loss and in stimulating growth. Lavender oil, if used at least three times a week, increases hair growth significantly. You can also mix various oils together and massage your scalp with the product that resulted. Make sure to also add some olive oil because this will make your hair grow healthy and look shinny.

Other home remedies for hair growth include -

1. A mixture made of olive oil, honey and cinnamon powder, applied before washing your hair and kept on the scalp for fifteen minutes.

2. Alma juice and lime juice used for washing your hair or for incorporating them in your regular shampoo.

3. Henna (a renowned Indian remedy) - 100 grams of henna need to be boiled together with 250 grams of mustard oil.

4. Castor oil if it is massaged on the scalp regularly.

5. Juice of green coriander leaves applied on the scalp.

6. Silica supplements.

7. Fresh juice made of spinach and lettuce and consumed on a daily basis.

8. Lime seeds and black pepper- grind them in order to obtain a paste and use it daily on your scalp; keep it for at least 15 minutes.

9. A paste made of red gram and pigeon pea - mostly used in baldness, applied on the bald areas.

Most home remedies for hair growth involve applying oils or a paste on your head. Whatever you are applying, make sure to stay like that for at least fifteen minutes. If you have time, you can keep the oil or the paste even longer. In addition to the home remedies for hair growth, make sure you also have a preventive attitude towards the possibility of losing your hair. Avoid products that contain too many chemical substances and watch your diet. Consume calcium and Vitamin B daily and give up smoking and alcohol.

Find []Natural Hair Loss Lotion for proper care of your hairs. Also know about []Sexual Weakness Treatment.

By Ryan Mutt 
Article Source: Home Remedies For Hair Growth - Stop Hair Fall Naturally

Home Remedies For Poison Ivy - Natural Treatment That Are Safe and Effective

Poison ivy is responsible for the most allergic reactions people have on the territory of North America. Those allergic to poison ivy usually experience itching and a rash, along with blemish and blisters. These symptoms go away in a week or two, but most people also looking for home remedies for poison ivy because the condition is hard to cope with. Home remedies are used in order to provide relief from the itching and the rash.

Calamine lotion offers instant relief, but if you don't have it around or if you just ran out of it, you should also know that some ingredients you have in the kitchen are powerful home remedies for poison ivy. Just take some oatmeal and boil it in water. Let the mixture cool and then apply it on your skin in a thick layer while it is still warm. As it cools down completely, the mixture will also harden on your skin. Backing soda is efficient in providing relief from the itching. It can either be incorporated in the oatmeal mixture, or it can be mixed with a little amount of water until it forms a paste. This should be kept on the rash until it dries. Fast relief from itching is also obtained by spraying some vinegar on the affected skin. Don't be afraid to spray it directly on the rash and blisters that are tormenting you. Although the smell might be a little bothering, the soothing effect will be worth it. This will also help your blisters heal faster. It is best to use apple cider vinegar, if you happen to have some.

One of the home remedies for poison ivy that provides immediate relief is the banana peel. Just take one and rub its inside on the rash. You will feel the effects instantly. You probably know already that aloe juice is good for cuts or scratches. It is also effective when it comes to poison ivy. It dries the blisters and the irritation and it helps heal faster. If suffering of poison ivy, it is recommended to increase the consumption of foods containing Vitamin C, calcium and beta-carotene because these nutrients prevent poison ivy and keep the infection from spreading. Home remedies usually focus on alleviating the symptoms of the rash. They also keep it from spreading and affecting larger areas of the skin and they are also used for shortening the duration of the disease.

Read useful []Home Remedies for Allergy. Find information on []Weak Erection Causes Treatment.

By Ryan Mutt 
Article Source: Home Remedies For Poison Ivy - Natural Treatment That Are Safe and Effective

June 25, 2010

Home Remedies For Menstrual Cramps That You Can Try at Home

A frequent change is observed in the woman throughout the lifetime. Gradually changes like breast development; evolution of hair in the arms and other body parts initiates the development both in biological and psychological changes. Menstrual cycle immerges as an important part of the growth process. After crossing your childhood the biggest leap is seen in your biological lifecycle. Menstrual cycle is one of that crucial juncture when a woman is ready to bear a child. But after 45 plus years a woman again faces the challenge to encounter the complications which crop up gradually. But most of the teens face the problem of menstrual cramps in their early days. There are some natural remedies which can be helpful in all perspective.

Using heating pad in the lower abdomen or in the back portion can be helpful. This process eases the pain and discomfort which is caused during this cycle. Absence of heating pad might see the usage of boiled rice in a handkerchief to be a quite effective alternative. Chamomile is a medicine which is very popular in treating all the gynecological disorders. Dried Chamomile flower can be added to hot boiling water and taken along with honey or sugar. Use of hot mugs also comforts you when you are in great pain.

Healthy diet rich in vitamin, calcium, minerals should be taken regularly. Any kind of iron rich foods are very useful during this time. Calcium is noted to prevent any kind of menstrual cramps and keeps the muscle strong from back pain. Whole wheat, salmon, nuts, Beans, tofu, shrimp, and vegetables are rich in magnesium. Practice of yoga and natural exercise can be a helpful parameter in such kind of situations. Hot tea mixed with some ginger can be helpful in relieving menstrual cramps.

Mint leaves are also recommended for menstrual cramps. Drinking of two cups of mint tea daily can be handy. Herbal spa treatments also provide the much needed relieve against the pain. Intake of parsley leaves can help in stabilizing the monthly flow and relieves the pain. Basil is also a helping agent which can kill the pain and make a person much more comfortable. Basil can be added in cooking or can be taken raw to make an impact. Cinnamon is also a great pain reliever which can provide the necessary medicinal support during the menstrual cramps. Home remedies for menstrual cramps can prevent the initial relive.

Read useful []Home Remedies for Menstrual Problems. Also know about []Vagina Tightening Cream.

By Ryan Mutt 
Article Source: Home Remedies For Menstrual Cramps That You Can Try at Home

June 19, 2010

10 Home Remedies for Persistent Cough That Really Work

Author: chicnhealth
Generally a cough caused by a cold lasts for several weeks but there are many things that can cause a persistent cough. Persistent caugh can can be a sign of a serious illness such as bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza and even lung cancer. Hence it is very important to understand the cause of a persistent cough and seek remedies for the problem before it aggravates.
In order to identify the exact cause of a persistent cough, your doctor might choose to do a number of tests like Chest X-ray and other radiological investigations. While obviously medical attention is, of course, the best way to eradicate the underlying cause of a persistent cough, there are plenty of things you can do at home to make yourself more comfortable. Here are some home remedies can soothe a persistent cough:
1. Honey and Pepper
Take a tbsp of honey with some black pepper. Take the above mixture 2-3 times in a day. You can also take a teaspoon of honey to prepare a solution with aa pinch of white pepper powder. Have this mixture at least 2-3 times in a day. This is very effective Home Remedy for Cough
2. Garlic
Eat garlic twice a day during winters. This gives relief from persistent cough and is the most simple and easy remedy.
3. Take a hot shower
Make it a long one and breathe in the steam. It will help to moisturize your throat.
4. Honey and Ginger
Mix 1 tsp honey with 1 tsp ginger juice, consume 2-3 times in a day. This is the most effective remedy for persistent cough.
5. Milk With Garlic
Crush some cloves and 3-4 garlic pods. Add this to a glass of milk and boil it, till the milk gets reduced to half. Filter it and drink it at least twice a day, till your cough is cured. This remedy is better for nighttime before bed and should be used for a dry cough, not a cough where mucus is present.
6. Drink more water. This will clear excessive mucous and soothes the throat giving relef from cough.
7. Stop smoking and stay away from other smokers. The smoke will dry your throat more causing you to cough more.
8. Eat a lot of fruits, especially oranges, grape fruit, grapes, pears and apples, melons, peaches, and pineapples.
9. Try a Bowl Steam
A larger version of the home remedy for cough mentioned above, simply fill a bowl with boiling water add 2 tablespoons of Vicks Vapor Rub and place your head over bowl with towel over your head to keep steam in. Breath deeply for a few minutes. This will help to loosen any hardened mucous as well as promote its expulsion.
10. Rub Vicks salve or eucalyptus oil onto your chest to help break up the mucous more. This is one of the good home remedies for cough.
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Author: If you want more information about alternative medicine please visit this site right now.

June 1, 2010

Natural Home Remedies For Poison Ivy That You Should Know About

Poison ivy is related with the rashes but it should not be confused with any other rashes. It is a plant which grows at unexpected places like flower beds, school yard, backyard or the trails which the kids use to walk to school. Diagnosis is a slow process as the rash starts very slow. But in some cases the symptoms is easily recognizable as they start to develop full brown rash all at once. In many other cases only a small area gets affected by poison ivy. Initially the rash due to it looks like a simple scratch or a few bug of bites. Over the next few days the rashes spread over and take on the more classic look. It looks like blisters, red bumps on the skin and it is very itchy also. It often appears in the shape of straight line. In some children even after the exposure to poison ivy they don't get any rash until a week.

Children usually develops its symptoms after the exposure to the stems, leaves and the roots of a poison ivy plant starting within 8 hours to a week. Some of the important symptoms are an intensely rash which are very itchy, blisters and vesicles which are filled with fluid and there may be red bumps which are often in straight line or streaks. It starts from the place where the poison ivy plant came in contact with the skin. Some other symptoms of the poison ivy worsen over a week if it is left without treatment.

It can be cured with the help of following home remedies -

1. One of an effective way to treat this problem is the application of garlic oil. Use olive oil properly over the affected area and it will help in removing the problem completely.

2. Rub the inner side of the peel of the banana over the affected area. This will give positive result for the treatment.

3. Wash the infected area in the running water. It will reduce the itching of the skin as it will help the histamines to wash away.

4. Mix 3 cups of oats in a bowl of warm water. Rub the infected area after soaking the infected area in this solution. This remedy will provide immediate relief from itching.

Read useful and effective []Poison Ivy Remedies. Read information about []Nightfall Treatment.

By Dr Andrew Napier 
Article Source: Natural Home Remedies For Poison Ivy That You Should Know About

Natural Home Remedies For Nasal Congestion That You Should Know

Mostly the germs enter our body through our throat and nose. Mucus membrane is lined up with number of blood vessels. When the blood vessels expand there is a swelling in the mucus membrane which ultimately results into the nasal congestion.

Usually infection of ear can be the ultimate result of the nasal congestion. Varieties of causes are there for nasal obstruction. The condition of nasal blockage varies in a wide range from mild annoyance to a life threatening condition. Especially in the infants the condition of nasal obstruction may be life threatening. It affects the hearing, speech development and the ears.

Nasal congestion can be treated effectively by the application of home remedies. Some of the important home remedies for nasal blockage are given below -

1. Nasal congestion can easily be cured with the help of garlic and tomato soup. For the preparation of this soup you have to take 2-3 tomatoes which are to be boiled in a cup of water. Add a tea spoon of the paste of garlic, black pepper powder and pepper. This soup gives a great relief from the nasal blockage. It is very effective home remedy for nasal obstruction.

2. Apple extract of vinegar fume is also very useful for the purpose of inhaling. It is very effective in treating the problem of nasal congestion. For this purpose you have to take 2-3 tablespoon of vinegar in a pan and allow it to heat until the entire vinegar is exhausted and you can inhale the fume which is produced by this vinegar. It is also an effective remedy for the treatment of nasal blockage.

3. Person suffering from nasal congestion are advised to breathe in smoke produced by burning 4-5 seeds on hot coal. It is a useful remedy and is practiced by many of us especially children suffering from nasal blockage.

4. Take 1-2 teaspoon of grated horseradish. Mix a tea spoon of honey or apple vinegar. Take a long breathe by taking this mixture slowly on your tongue. This remedy will provide fast relief from the problem of nasal obstruction as the aroma of this mixture will compel to lose the congestion.

5. Grapefruit is very effective for treating nasal congestion. Take lukewarm water and mix the juice of grape fruit in it and use this solution as inhaler. For the treatment of sinus and nasal blockage this remedy is very effective. Apply this remedy while going to bed or early in the morning.

Read more effective []Home Remedies for Nasal Congestion. Read information about []Nightfall Treatment.

By James E Napier 
Article Source: Natural Home Remedies For Nasal Congestion That You Should Know

April 12, 2010

Yeast Infection Home Remedy

Author: Karlaage Isaksen
Yeast infection home remedy are extra popular with the older era of women who have came upon that the most productive therapies come from home. Then again, yeast an infection therapies are being stated to rising in popularity as people return to the more herbal remedies and yeast infection home remedy. Yeast an infection needs to be treated while you discover you may have it and this is principally now not as a result of it's existence threatening but, it's to do away with the uncomfortable signs which can make your lifestyles miserable. Yeast is a fungus that is unmarried celled and it will probably multiply very rapid with favorable conditions in the body. Yeast is subsequently very present in our bodies and if there is a person who does not have a few amount of yeast, they are most probably no longer well.
Yeast infections home remedy are treatments that are made at house with none help of a health professional. The information and courses on the best way to make home therapies will probably be discovered on the web and increasingly individuals are making the most of this easy method to have reduction from yeast. Yeast an infection is facilitated by several factors to overgrow within the body and if you do not consider these elements, your yeast infection home remedy might now not paintings the best way you wish to have them to. The first one is the intake of sugary meals and meals that contain yeast. Beer is known to have an overly prime content of yeast and if conceivable, you need to avoid it. Other meals like bread also have a few yeast concentrations in them. Be sure you make healthy choices to avoid infections by yeast.
The opposite issue that mostly affects girls is using birth control pills. Now not all girls be afflicted by the infection when they use the drugs and you subsequently want to be aware of how your frame reacts to such drugs and others. Pregnancy will lead to yeast infections and the main factor you wish to have to understand as an expectant mother is that you need to get the suitable medication and see that you're healed earlier than delivery. The best medicine for yeast infection during being pregnant is the kind so they can now not hurt the baby. Yeast infection home remedy are identified to be very secure for the mum and the child.
You want to practice the entire instructions equipped whilst you wish to have to make treatments for yeast infections. One of the vital remedies include the usage of garlic, honey, tea tree oil and lots of others. One of the most therapies require that you make them into an excellent paste so that they can be easily implemented to the affected area. For women with vaginal candidiasis that is yeast an infection within the vagina, they'll be required to use special devices like tampons and others to insert the cure. There is no remedy like a home remedy and more individuals are choosing to move for this method of curing yeast infections. Be sure that the remedy you choose is secure in order that you don't finally end up doing more hurt to your bodyusing Yeast infection home remedy.
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I have found really much help from a video about Yeast infections home remedy. You can see the video here Yeast infections home remedy

April 8, 2010

5 Best Home Remedies For Ear Infections

Do you remember the time that you had an ear infection? You probably don't but actually most children have experienced this condition even before they were 2 years old. There are many treatments for this including home remedies for ear infections.

What is ear infection?

This condition is also called middle ear infection. This is the most common problem that children encounter.

The anatomy of the ear is classified into three: outer, middle and inner. Germs can penetrate and can cause infection.

The middle ear is characterized by a small receptacle of air located at the rear of the eardrum. The infection happens when the germs infiltrate the middle ear. Because of the infection, the ear fills up with pus. This pus actually contains germ-fighting cells but the build up is painful.

The passage known as Eustachian tube between the ear and the throat is the one that regulates pressure build up. Children have very small Eustachian tubes and they are still not that able to keep all the germs out.

As we get older, this tube gets longer and this won't cause as much problem as they did when we were younger. However, problems can still sprout if you have allergic reactions to dust and pollens or if you have a cold. During these times, the Eustachian tubes blocks the germs in the middle ear and these germs can thrive and grow in number causing an infection.

This condition is not contagious. The symptoms include pain in the ears, fever and difficulty in hearing.

Treatment for ear infection
Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics to clear the infection. Antibiotics are best taken for a few days like how your doctor instructed you to do even if the pain starts letting up. If you suddenly stop taking the medicine because you think you are feeling better, the infection may come back.

You can avoid having this condition by avoiding people who smokes. The smoke of the cigarette can impair the functions of the Eustachian tube.

It is advisable to keep your distance from the people with colds. Wash your hands regularly and keep it away from your nose and eyes to prevent catching colds.

You can also use some home remedies for ear infections. These remedies are easy and safe and have been tried by many people already.
1. Try juicing onion, warm it up a bit and put 2-3 drops of this juice in each ear. The juice of onion has natural antibacterial properties.
2. You can also try extracting mango leaf juice and warm it up. You can put 4 drops of this in your painful ear.
3. If you want to reduce the infection, try dropping a bit of mustard oil in the ears.
4. Warm one teaspoon of the essential oil of sesame and include one clove of garlic. Infuse the garlic in it and after doing this, put four drops in the ear. Let it penetrate for a few minutes.

In addition to this, you can also try a natural remedy that has already been manufactured. You are assured of the safeness of this product since it has been manufactured in safe facilities and supervised by reliable experts.

This product is called Ear-OK Drops. This can sustain the health of your auditory system and can soothe aggravated ear canal. This will help ward off ear infections and can help promote your over all ear balance.

It contains herbal ingredients such as Tea Tree Oil, Mullein Flower, Lavender and Garlic. These herbs can support the health of the ear and can boost the immune system to fight invading germs and bacteria.

There is absolutely no harm in trying home remedies for ear infections especially a natural product like Ear-OK Drops. Try these remedies and your infection will go away in no time.

There's no quick fix to cellulite. The best way to reduce it is to fight it with a combination of a healthy diet, exercise,   cellulite cream and treatment. Visit my website at for more information.

By Kate Allen 
Article Source: 5 Best Home Remedies For Ear Infections