March 28, 2009

Home Remedies for Headaches

Author: naturalremedies
A headache paralyzes the entire body. Even a simple task as chatting becomes a behemoth. Here are some home remedies to relieve from the excruciating headache.

Headache is defined as pain in the head that is located above the eyes or the ears, behind the head (occipital), or in the back of the upper neck. Headache is common problem in men and women.The main challenge to affording relief from various forms of "cephalgia," or "head pain," is categorizing a headache by type, and then proceeding with the therapy most likely to help.

Causes of Headache:

The most common cause for headache is stress. Taking a break and relaxing would definitely help in reducing the stress. Exact cause of this disease is still yet to get discovered. A lot of experts relate cluster headaches to migraine headaches, believing that both start in the trigeminal nerve. Some associate it with the hypothalamus. Both explanations still do not have a study to back their beliefs, understanding, or opinions about cluster headaches, however both can be accepted in explaining the trait of this type of headache, which is its recurrent nature.

Types of Headaches:

There are two types of headaches: primary headaches and secondary headaches. Primary headaches are not associated with (caused by) other diseases.

Tension headaches are probably the most common type. They are usually caused by tension in the muscles in the neck, shoulders and face. Migraines are much more severe, and affect around 6% of men and 13% of women. These are often more painful and longer lasting than tension headaches. Cluster headaches are also quite severe, and sometimes last for as much as several weeks.

Treatment of Headaches:

- In order to get away with the headache, always remember to drink lots of water. This would avoid your body to get dehydrated and electrolytes in water such as Gatorade or PowerAde further more helps in quicker hydration of your body.

- Exercise is another great way to avoid the pain. The best-suited exercise would be the one, which is less stressful. A more relaxing type such as yoga or Pilates would be a great remedy.

- A good long relaxing bath also works wonders in getting relief from stress related headache situations. Adding light some scented candles with essential oils such as lavender would add to the relaxation and soothe the senses.

- Anti-inflammatories may be more effective than paracetamol for some people.Taking a painkiller such as paracetamol usually works well to relieve a tension-type headache.

- Acupuncture is an effective treatment for chronic headaches.

- Apply pressure to the area where your thumb and index finger connect. Apply as much pressure as you can stand for a minute or so.

- Another acupressure treatment is to apply pressure with your index finger to the natural indent right above your eyebrow (right above the outer corner of your eye).

- Having someone massage your scalp, neck and shoulders can also be very effective at relieving the stress on your muscles, which in turn relieves the tension headaches that many have after a hard day.

- Alternating hot and cold compresses on the head also works well to reduce the swelling inside the head that causes many headaches.

- Sometimes gently pulling on your hair will help to reduce pressure and pain.

Read About Home Remedies also Read about Home Remedies for Hangovers and Home Remedies for Headaches
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home remedies for headaches, natural cure for headaches, treatment for headaches, remedy for headaches

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