October 9, 2012

Home Remedies For Nasal Congestion

A stuffy nose can be one of the most annoying symptoms of allergies, a cold, the flu or an upper respiratory infection. There are a number of home remedies for nasal congestion.

First and foremost, try not to sniffle. That can suck the mucus into the lungs, allowing whatever irritant is causing your problem to reach the lungs where it can become more problematic. Nasal congestion is actually a way the body stops irritants and infections from going deeper into the body and becoming more severe.

Dietary changes can go a long way to keeping the congestion from getting out of hand in the first place. Raising your intake of vitamin C and zinc will be a pro-active step in dealing with nasal congestion in the home. Another easy way to deal with mucus is to stay hydrated. Instead on the old saw of eight glasses of water a day, set a goal of one half ounce of water for every pound you weigh. Granted, that is an aggressive goal, but a good one to strive for.

Try to keep your head elevated while you sleep to reduce mucus buildup.

The consumption of hot liquids is another classic and effective home remedy for nasal congestion. Hot tea or hot apple cider is a good choice. Hot soups are a traditional home remedy for nasal congestion, colds and flu. There really is something to the old jokes about "Jewish penicillin:" the consumption of hot liquids can cause your nose to run, flushing out congestion and irritation. Spicy liquids, including spicy soups like Chinese Hot and Sour soup, can be even more effective.

Another traditional home remedy for nasal congestion is right under your nose: the use of a chest rub on your chest, or just under your nose, to be specific. Many of the over the counter rubs have menthol as a major constituent. In addition, camphor and oil of eucalyptus can be added to such medicated ointments to aid in the clearing of the sinuses and the re-establishment of unfettered breathing.

Steam can be a another great home remedy for nasal congestion. If you are able, hot showers or a steam room are a good choice. Of course, there is the old trick of holding your head over a steaming bowl, being careful not to let the steam burn your face. Putting an essential oil like mint oil or orange oil into the steaming water will strengthen the treatment.

For relieving nasal congestion, also consider using a device called a neti pot. This device originated in India and is used for nasal irrigation. It looks for all the world like a small teapot with an extra long, thin spout. The spout is designed to go up into your nostril. The pot itself is filled with warm water which is then gently poured into the nose to loosen the mucus. This is best accomplished by holding the head over a sink as the liquid drains from each nostril in turn. Mastering the technique can take some practice, but proponents often find great relief from the use of a neti pot.

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By Vince Platania 
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?Home-Remedies-For-Nasal-Congestion&id=2034716 Home Remedies For Nasal Congestion

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