September 19, 2014

Amazing Home Remedies For Cellulite

By Heather Jameson
Cellulite can have a toll on the self confidence of individuals, especially women who are largely affected by the condition. Instant results can be got through surgical procedures, but they can also be very expensive and risky. Fortunately, there are simpler home remedies which work juts great in getting rid of cellulite or improving the appearance of the same. Here are some of the remedies that you can work with from home:

Body scrub: This can moisturize and tone the skin. It also helps in replacing damaged cells of the skin, giving a chance for new skin cells to grow. The body scrub can be made from home using very simple ingredients which are readily available in homes.

Mix � cup olive oil with some cayenne pepper and fresh coffee grounds. Massage the mixture onto the affected areas for at least three minutes, then wash off with warm water. You can also use sea salt for the same and wash off with warm water and rinse with cold water.

Dry brushing: It should be done before morning shower. Using a natural bristle brush, gently brush onto the affected area. This helps in exfoliating the pores promoting better circulation. It is a simple activity that prepares the skin for a refreshing shower and it will start improving in appearance.

Home massage: Home massages with the right ingredients will do great for cellulite home treatment. You can use massage oil with apple cider vinegar. Apply the mixture at least twice a day. It helps in breaking the fatty deposits, leaving the skin looking beautiful and smooth.

Dietary changes: There are foods that can cause cellulite and others that will actually help in fighting the cellulite. Increase your intakes of vegetables and fruits, yoghurt, skim milk and proteins that are low in fats. Eggs make very good protein choices for cellulite, but they are better boiled or poached than fried. You also should ensure that you drink plenty of water all through the day. It helps in flushing toxins thus promoting healthier skin. Reduce starches and breads and opt for more proteins.

Bedtime baths: Baths taken before bedtime can reduce the appearance of cellulite. You can use several herbs to maximize the results or Epsom salts. Take at least twenty five minutes to just soak before the invigorating bath and start enjoying the skin improvements.

Antioxidants: By making antioxidants part of your life, you will be improving the cellulite appearance naturally. You can choose citrus fruits and berries for your snacking. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries also make very good antioxidant sources. Citrus fruits contain Vitamin C and this is good in improving the look of the skin.

Exercise: Exercise activities targeting the affected areas can help in getting rid of cellulite. You do not need to go to the gym to achieve this. Simple exercises such as lunges and squats as well as aerobics can be done from home and they make some of the    best cellulite treatment options.

How would your life be if you could get rid of all your cellulite? If you take action now, you can have a cellulite free body in just weeks!

This video will teach what foods to eat, the exercises to do and a few other tricks that will remove all your cellulite fast:

Article Source: Amazing Home Remedies For Cellulite

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